At the third stroke it will be 10.03 and 40 seconds [peep, peep, peep] At the third stroke it will be 10.03 and 50 seconds [peep, peep, peep] At the third stroke it will be 10.04 precisely
Maximum distance from the sun: 94 million 537 thousand miles Minimum distance from the sun: 91 million 377 thousand miles Mean distance from the sun: 92 million 957 thousand and 200 miles Mean Orbital velocity: 66000 miles per hour 0rbital eccentricity: 0.017 Obliquity of the ecliptic: 23 degrees 27 minutes 8.26 seconds Length of the tropical year: equinox equinox 365.24 days length of the sidereal year: fixed star fixed star 365.26 days Length of the mean solar day: 24 hours and 3 minutes and 56.5555 seconds at mean solar time Length of the mean sidereal day: 23 hours and 56 minutes and 4.091 seconds at mean sederial time Mass: 6600 milion milion milion tons Equatorial diameter: 7927 miles Polar diameter: 7900 miles Oblateness: one 298th Density: 5.41 Mean surface gravitational acceleration of the rotating earth: 32.174 feet per second per second Escape velocity: 7 miles per second
Once, we did run How we chased a million stars and touched as only one canOnce, we did play How the past delivered you Amidst our youth we'd dream away, awayAs if I knew the words I'm sure you'll hear Of how we met as you recall so clearOnce, we did love Long ago how did I forget Holding you so closely Look, how I move Chance would have me glance at you To know how you move me, meAll barriers fall around us as we hear Of memories known and matters so long ago, so clear Once, we did run How we chased a million stars And touched as only one can