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| 1:17 | ||||
This is actually strictly dialogue between Barry and his grandfather, Joe, made circa 1951 or right around that time. They were at a "Record Your Own Voice" booth, and this is approximately how the conversation went. JOE: All right! "A Happy Birthday," come on, go ahead, sing. BARRY: What? What? JOE: Sing. I have the words for you, sing it. Sing it. Sing to me! "A happy birthday to you." BARRY: N-no, I can't! I have to go to the bathroom. JOE: All right, go ahead, Barry, sing it, sing it! Sing it! Go ahead. BARRY: When? JOE: I said now. Go ahead, sing it. "Happy." Go ahead, come on. Come on, sing it! Come on, go ahead. BARRY: How? JOE: Like this, "Happy." Come on, go ahead. All right, my dear grandson, "A Happy Birthday." Barry's gonna sing to you a nice song. Go ahead, Barry, sing it! Go ahead, sing it! Come on, come on, Barry, sing it! Sing "A Happy Birthday." Barry, don't you want to sing it? Come on, Barry, sing it. Well, I'm sorry, my dear grandson, Barry, don't want to sing for you. OK, what do you want to sing? Do you want to sing a rhumba? All right, sing the rhumba. Go ahead, Barry, sing it! Go ahead, Barry, sing it! Go ahead, Barry. Come on, sing it. Come on, Barry! You gotta talk to make a record. Don't you want to make a record? Don't you want to make a record? You want to make a record, Barry? Huh? Go ahead! |
2. |
| 2:30 | ||||
Went riding
out in to the country night he left his phone still ringing ringing by the t.v.'s light goodbye to you new york city goodbye to every thing it used to be you sure can could look good Emerald City oh but now your just a drag on me goodbye to the ringing phone goodbye to the old grindstone and what use to be Jimmy Jones now they known as Sweetwater Jones Sweetwater Jones keep on going hey Jonese boy your'll doing find smiling a smile and knowing that your heading fore a better time look at your face hey its shinning hey beaming like it never could look at your eyes hey you crying but you never thought you fell so good goodbye to the ringing phone good,good,goodbye to the old grindstone what use to be Jimmy Jones now they known as Sweetwater Jones ohhhh ohhh Sweetwater Jones what use to be Jimmy Jones now they known as Sweetwater Jones now they known as Sweetwater Jones |
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| 2:28 | ||||
I was blue and I was always wearing a frown
because my gal had turned me down. Then we met and you can bet I knew from the first, you were my love, and that's when the old gray cloudburst. My heart really flew, the day you caught my eye. I hope that we two will never say "Good-bye." Clouds of gray have silver linings when they reverse. I found your love and that's when the old gray cloudburst. Hey, baby..... I'm gonna tell you 'bout your lovin' and your kissn' and your huggin' and your sweet turtle-dovin' pretty baby. I won't be satisfied til I hear 'em play, "Here comes the bride." Listen to me baby and I don't mean maybe. Listen to my story, it's terrifficly true. I gotta find a way of telling you that I really go for you. I hope you really believe me baby 'cause I certainly do. 'Cause you're thrillin' me, you're really, really thrilling when you tell me that you probably got a kind of crush on me, That moves me, grooves me. How divine can one woman be? Well little darlin', you got me fallin'. You got me goofy and gay. I'm gonna get carried away. Just think, you're gonna be mine someday. Oh, let's spin a little, park a little, stop a little, spark a little, live a little, love a little, maybe turtle-dove a little baby. Every time you hold me so near, nobody loves me like you, dear. Let's stop a little, squeeze a little, probably maybe tease a little, try a little, sigh a little, maybe have to cry a little bit, 'cause to tell you the truth, I'm gonna love you and that's it. 'Cause I love you baby, love you baby, love you baby, love you baby, with all my heart. Oooh, listen to me while I say I let a lotta little ladies get away Because I know, I know pretty baby, I know, I know, pretty baby, I know you're the one, yes you're the one. I knew when I met you what a break it was to get you. When it's cloudy and gray and that's the worst. How do you cause the cloud to burst? You got to find a lover, find a lover, find a lover, find a lover. If it's silvery under clouds of gray. How do you chase the clouds away? You gotta find a little girl and make her love you a lot. Don't ever leave unless you flip your lid and really want to ruin the plot. Sounds easy does it? Light as a breeze thru the trees. Boy, how pleasant was it? Pleasant as one summer day, boy. It's so wonderful, what a love can do. Look at what love has done for you. Hey, I'm a lucky lover, lucky lover, I got the love you should discover. I was blue and I was always wearing a frown, because my gal had turned me down. Then we met and you can bet I knew from the first, You were my love, and that's when the old gray cloudburst. Take a look at me. Boy take another look, take another look, take another look, Take another good, long, look at me. Love opened my eyes and now I see, Clouds of gray have silver linings when they reverse. I found your love, and that's when the old, gray, cloudburst. That's when the old, gray, cloud burst! |
4. |
| 2:52 | ||||
One of these Days
One of these very ordinary days You're gonna call my name And I won't be there After the days After these very very many days You're gonna see the light And I won't be there And on that day Somehow I'll find the stregth to stay away I won't give in I will not let myself be taken in... again Oh no my friend One of these days Out of the blue you'll start remembering And I won't care 'Cause I won't be there Oh, and on that day I swear I'll find the strength somehow to stay away I won't give in I will not let myself be taken in... again Oh no my friend That's what I say That's what I tell myself... I won't give in So try it someday And you'll see that I won't be there No, you know, no, I won't these day-eeya-eeya-eeya-aaa-aays I -- won't be there No, no, no I won't be there... |
5. |
| 3:30 | ||||
First they told me that they loved me
Dressed me up in the light of gold All they wanted was to know me Gotta get me on before I get too old Then they told me I was big time Lots of favors of limosine This might be what they told me it would be But I'm not sure it's what I need Not what I need Now, won't you tell me Oh, my lady where's my lady All this glory where's my lady To share it with me Oh, to share it with me First they told me I could love you And then they told me never mind never mind Gotta keep those cards and letters Flowing in my friend Gotta try and have a real good Real good time now wouldn't you tell me Oh my lady where's my lady all this glory Where's my lady to share it with me Oh to share it with me Now won't you tell me Oh where's my lady all this glory Where's my lady to share it with me To share, to share it with me Oh my lady |
6. |
| 2:18 | ||||
I am your child
Wherever you go, you take me too Whatever I know, I learned from you Whatever I do, you taught me to do I am your child And I am your chance Whatever will come, will come from me Tomorrow is won, by winning me Whatever I am, you taught me to be I am you hope, and I am your chance I am your child Whatever I am, you taught me to be I am your hope, I am your chance I am your child |
7. |
| 6:51 | ||||
Spirit move me every time I'm near you Whirling like a cyclone in my mind Sweet Melissa, angel of my lifetime Answer to all answers I can find Baby, I love you, come, come, come into my arms Let me know the wonder of all of you Baby, I want you now, now, now, and hold on fast Could this be the magic at last? Lady, take me high upon a hillside High up where the stallion meets the sun I could love you, build my world around you Never leave you till my life is done Baby, I love you, come, come, come into my arms Let me know the wonder of all of you And baby, I want you now, now, oh, now, oh now and hold on fast Could this be the magic at last? Could it be magic? Come, c'mon, c'mon, come oh-oh come into my arms Oh, let me know the wonder of all of you, all of you Baby, I want you now, now, oh now, oh now and hold on fast Oh, could this be the magic at last? Could it be magic? Come, c'mon, c'mon, come oh-oh come into my arms Oh, let me know the wonder of all of you Baby, I want you now, now, oh now, oh now and hold on fast Oh, could this be the magic at last? Could it be magic? |
8. |
| 3:39 | ||||
David I said as I lay on my bed
Another year's gone bye You're starting your parole In the morning they said Please tell her I'm alright Seven more years if only if she can hold on Seven more years and I'll be home again David you got to tell her that I miss her Tell her I'll miss every day till then Tell her it ain't so bad And say you're my friend Say that I'm ok And tell her too wait for me And I'll be home again Getting home again getting home again David I said as he started to go Another year's gone by Won't you write me some time I'll miss you, you know But I'll make out alright Seven more years if only I can hold her Seven more years and I'll be home again David you got to tell her that I miss her Tell her I'll miss her every day till then But tell her it ain't so bad Please tell her my friend Say that I'm ok And tell her to wait for me And I'll be home again Getting home again getting home again Getting home, getting home again Seven more years if only I can hold on Seven more years and I'll be home again David you got to tell her that I miss her Tell her that I'll miss her every day till then I only got seven more years I only got seven more years I know I got only got seven more lousy years I only got seven more years I only got seven more lousy years |
9. |
| 3:57 | ||||
Prance,prance I'm goin go in to your dance
Flashy lady Shake,shake you know you got what it take Flashy lady Everything I got depends on you Flashy lady No one else can love me like you do No one else but you 'cause you got that thing Flashy lady Come on and strut your stuff Strut your stuff Now, now flashy lady I just can't get enough, no, not enough You know when other people call you trash I love to love a flashy lady Wild, wild you really got on me now Flashy lady Shine, shine you know you're looking fine Flashy lady I can never let you get away Flashy lady And it doesn't matter what they say You're goin' to get your way 'cause you got that thing Flashy lady Come on and strut your stuff Come on come on now Flashy lady I just can't get enough, no, not enough You know when other people call you trash I love to love a flashy lady Flashy lady YEAH YEAH Don't you know you got a grand prance Come on go in to your dance Flashy lady Shake, shake you know you got what it takes Flashy lady I can use a taste of what you got Flashy lady You can chase away the blues I got The bad news I got when you use that thing Flashy lady Come on and strut your stuff Come on, come on now Flashy lady I just can't get enough You know, you know, you know When people call you trash I love to love the flashy lady Flashy lady Flashy lady prance, prance come on, come on Flashy lady shake, shake You know you got what it takes Shine, shine you know You're looking fine flashy lady |
10. |
| 3:08 | ||||
Now you got to have friends
You know the feelings all so strong You got to have friends To make that day last long I have me some friends but now there gone Something came and took them away And from the dusk until the dawn Here is where I'm goin' to stay Hey well I'll stand right here At the end of the road And I'll wait for the new friends to come I don't care if I'm hungry or cold I got to get me some Talkin' about friends Miles and miles and miles of friends Lot and lots and lots of friends You got to have friends Talkin about friends Hey, do you know what I mean Everybody's has got to have friends You got to have friends Had some friends but they're gone gone Something came and took 'em away And from the dusk til the dawn Here, here is where I'll stay And I'm standing at the end of a long, long road And I'm waiting for my new friends to come I don't care if I'm hungry or freezing cold I got to get me some of them Talking about friends, you got to have friends You know you get yours I'll get mine I got to baby, talkin bout friends Miles and miles and miles of friends Lots and lots and lots of friends You got to have friends talkin' 'bout friends Miles and miles and miles and miles of friends Friends, friends, friends, friends, friends You got to have friends |
11. |
| 3:49 | ||||
mamma can you hear me
mamma can you hear me I'm going to be a farmer blowing the fields in the morning sun I'll have a million horses take me a ride when the work is done I'm going to have a sweet life sweetest life you ever seen and when the day is over going to go to sleep in the field of green mamma can you hear me mamma can you hear me daddy do you know what I mean mamma can you hear me mamma can you hear me daddy do you know what I mean going to be a actor playing a part in a light of gold oh yes I will I'm going to make a lot of money going to spend it all before I get to old and I'm going to have a sweet life sweetest life you ever seen and you know when the day is over now I'm going to go to sleep in a field of green mamma can you hear me mamma can you hear me daddy do you know what I mean (repeat) got, got to have a sweet life got to have a sweet life daddy do you know what I mean mamma can you hear me mamma can you hear me mamma can you hear me daddy do you know what I mean |
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