전 세계적인 유스크류하드코어 열풍에 단단히 한국하드코어를 정상에 올려줄 놀라운 컴필레이션 !
이제는 아시아가 아닌 전 세계가 주목하고 있다! KOREAN HARDCORE !
발매전부터 많은 이슈를 낳았던 네덜란드의 Positive And Focused Records로부터의 화제의 신작인 하드코어 컴필레이션 앨범 “Youth Crew 08"이 드디어 발매되어 한국에 이렇게 선보이게 된다.
총 8개 밴드가 참여한 이번 앨범에는 벨기에,미국,스웨덴,영국의 밴드들이 참여하였으며 특히 한국팬들에게 가장 뜻깊은 일이 아닐수 없는것은 국내 타운홀레코드 소속의 THINGS WE SAY가 어디에도 공개된적 없는 “Move On"이란 신곡으로 참여하고 있다는 사실이다.
하드코어의 처음과 끝이며 그 자체가 모든 것을 의미하는 유스크류하드코어는 빠른스피드와 격정적인 싱얼롱파트가 매력인 하드코어안에서의 성향을 나타내며 국내에서는 THE GEEKS와 THINGS WE SAY,등 많진않지만 소수의밴드들이 자신의신념을 지키며 이런 스타일을 고수해 나가고 있는 중이다.
그러한 국내 유스크류 하드코어씬에 큰 결과물임에 분명한 이번앨범에는 8밴드의 각기 다른 노래들이 수록되어져 있는데 참여밴드 또한 구미와 유럽에서 지금 동시대에 가장 인기있는 밴드중 하나인 로스터로 채워져 있으며 8팀의 각기 다른 8곡은 88년 유스크류하드코어의 탄생과 더불어 97년 유스크류하드코어 리바이벌을 지나 이제 2008년 유스크류하드코어 레볼루션이란 무브먼트를 이끌어낼 크나큰 영향력을 행사할 것임은 틀림없어 보인다.십년주기로 반복되는 이런 현상을 책임질 놀라운 결과물에 국내밴드가 참가한 것 자체만으로 한국의 하드코어가 질적으로 크나큰 성장을 나타낸것이라 보기에도 무리가 없는것이다.
하드코어DIY 정신에 입각되어 7“(턴테이블이 있어야 플레이할수 있는 7인치구경의 소형레코드판)로만 제작되어진 앨범으로 국내에서는 턴테이블 리스터가 줄어드는 추세인지라 이렇게 온라인으로 음원을 접할 수 있다는 것은 국내 TWS가 참여했음에도 정작 음원을 들을수없었던 매니아들에게 좋은 기회가 될것임에 틀림없을 것이다. .... ....
The weather is fine and the streets are mine Message on my phone it's gonna happen tonight At Hinkeys place you better be on time see all my friends where the red lights shine 1...2...3...4 This is my city - Where I grew up This is my city - Where I find my luck This is my city - Where I laughed and cried This is my city - Where I live and where I die Been around the world, been everywhere But when I come home, nothing can compare The weather is fine and the streets are mine Message on my phone it's gonna happen tonight At Hinkeys place you better be on time I see all my friends where the red lights shine This is my city - Where I feel good This is my city - My brotherhood
IT'S IN OUR HANDS! The future, it's in our hands It's up to us to take a stand Against destruction, fueled by greed We take what we want, destroy what we need We treat this world like uninvited guests, But the results are in and we're failing this test We need to make a change before it's too late The world JUST CAN'T WAIT! The winds of change are blowing through When will we see the impact of the THINGS WE DO? Do we sit back and watch the world regress, Or build a better future with consciousness?
Always better than the rest Never content with what you have This competition makes you weak Is a life full of envy WHAT YOU SEEK? The more you want the less you'll get You'll be alone and empty-handed in the end The higher you grab the deeper you'll fall Left alone with nothing at all
Alright buddies, I have something to say to you Don't you realize you spend too much time and energy on nothing? You always think in a negative way What do you expect from people around you? Sick of your attitude, sick of your games Don't be afraid of ditching the past Chill out buddy, you're not the only one Everyone fails, everyone loses Don't be ashamed, you've tried your best Be proud of yourself, you will get through it (all) You're not a loser until you quit trying Don't let anyone look down on you Make your own decision to get back on track Don't be ashamed of what you did in the past Make a change, make an effort to move on to move on, to move on, to move on Make a change, make an effort to move on
Not everything is always life and death but we race around like there's no time left tracing lines already laid out we're kept in place with fear and doubt always asking "what's the risk" worrying about the consequence that's not the way I wanna live it's just not the way I want to live Use your potential don't throw it away you've got nothing to lose and so much to gain don't settle for less just to be content pressure to succeed is it more than we need getting caught up in all of our greed What the fuck is happening here our goals in life stricken with fear question ourselves till there's nothing to say are directions only to face away and all this confusion it has us looking, looking for an easy way out are we gonna go ahead and take the bait sit back and accept our fate your visions your decision don't be pushed or swayed your visions your decision only you can get in the way
The world keeps turning as cities are burning there are things we don't want to face Like children that are crying because people are dying and no one wants to grow up in a fucked up place black smoke in the sky, it's the human demise I Try so hard but i'm losing faith in humanity and society because all I see is fucking hate Thieves and killers roam the street bodies are lying at your feet you can smell the fear in the air the smell of hate and despair you'd rather be in hell but you realise you're already there
Always saying how you're willing to change Open minded (but) with decisions made you're looking away and shutting your ears when I'm say something you don't want to hear STAND UP - Stand by your beliefs SPEAK OUT - Say what's on your mind When things no longer are what they used to be I suppose you're nowhere to be seen I guess it's different between now and then I guess you'll change, once again STAND UP - Stand by your beliefs SPEAK OUT - Say what's on your mind
I think that I just figured it out Why people can't change, their lives, their addictions some people will never fucking change there is no choice you'll never fucking learn man SELF RESPECT Maybe you'll think second time around I would do things differently if I had my time again But you could never make a fucking change You don't have the will You'll never fucking learn man SELF RESPECT We each have a choice in life To follow a path we make SELF RESPECT