스래쉬 메틀계의 괴물 앨범이다! 거의 10년여 만에 테스타먼트가 대작을 들고 돌아왔다! 올해 최고의 스래쉬 메틀 앨범! -----Rock Tribune (벨기에)
80년대 이후 테스타먼트가 만들어낸 최고의 앨범! 가차 없이 몰아치는 강력한 앨범이다. 스래쉬 메틀의 시대가 다시 오고 있다!-----SOUNDIE FIN (핀란드)
한마디로 명작이다! 과거의 매력을 발산하면서도, 좀 더 멜로딕한 스타일을 담고 있다. 락 역사상 가장 뛰어난 5대 밴드를 꼽는다면 테스타먼트를 빼 놓을 수 없으며, 이 앨범이 그것을 입증해 주고 있다!------INFERNO (핀란드)
9년간 앨범을 발표하지 않은 밴드는 대부분 사라졌지만, 테스타먼트는 예외이다. 과거 올드스쿨에서 오늘날의 사악한 음악들 사이에서, 본작은 단연 2008년 최고의 앨범이라 말할 수 있다!------METAL MAINIAC (이탈리아)
테스타먼트가 충격적인 작품을 들고 돌아왔다! 단연 2008년 가장 주목할 만한 메틀 앨범이다! 앨범을 듣는 모든 이들을 날려버릴 것이다!-----METAL HAMMER (이탈리아)
이 앨범은 이미 고전의 반열에 올라섰다. 테스타먼트가 에너지 넘치는 모습으로 돌아왔다!-----ROCK HARD (이탈리아)
25년의 역사를 가진 스래쉬 메틀, 그리고 테스타먼트를 결코 구식이라 말할 수 없다.
한마디로 죽이는 앨범!-----METAL HAMMER (독일)
본 앨범이 Practice What You Preach 이후 테스타먼트 최고의 앨범이라는 것은 의심의 여지가 없다!---------SCREAM MAGAZINE (네덜란드)
Bay Area의 역습이 시작되었다! 전설적인 밴드 테스타먼트는 현재의 젊은 밴드의 99%를 날려버렸다!---------ROCK HARD (독일)
테스타먼트는 1980년대 샌프란시스코 베이 에어리어의 스래쉬 메탈을 만들어낸 밴드라는 사실에 의심할 이는 없을 것이다. 그들의 파워풀한 사운드는 수 많은 밴드들에게 영향을 주었으며 오랜시간 최고의 스래쉬메탈 밴드를 다섯 손가락으로 꼽을 때 언급되는 메탈리카, 메가데스, 슬레이어 그리고 앤스랙스와 함께 현재도 살아있는 전설로 불려지고 있다. 테스타먼트가 이번에 발표하는 새 앨범"The Formation Of Damnation", 은 실로 오랜만에 오리지널 라인업이 함께한 앨범으로 전임멤버 이기도 한 친구 폴 보스타프(슬레이어,엑소더스) 가 참가했다. 피터슨은 말한다.”정말이지 너무나 오랜만이다. 우리는 이순간을 너무나 기다려왔으며 완벽한 라인업 으로 돌아와서 기쁘다”
1983년 ‘Legacy’ 이름으로 활동을 시작하게 되는데 멤버 구성은 피터슨(리듬기타), 데릭라미레즈(기타), 루이 클라멘데(드럼) 크리스티안(베이스) 그리고 엑소더스의 보컬로도 유명했던 스티브 수오자 였으며 라미레즈는 훗날 뛰어난 기타리스트 알렉스 스콜릭 으로 교체 되었고 수오자 역시 엑소더스로 자리를 옮기게 된다. 밴드는 척 빌리 라는 거구의 보컬리스트에게 프론맨의 자리를 제안하며 투어를 시작하며 대망의 첫번째 앨범을 레코딩하는 과정에서 밴드명을 테스타먼트로 개명하며 1987년 역사적인 데뷰앨범 ‘Legacy’를 트래쉬메탈계에 본격적인 출사표를 던지며 등장하였다.그리고 테스타먼트는 네덜란드 에서 펼쳐진 다이나모 페스티벌의 공연 실황을 담은 미니앨범 "Live At Eindhoven" 에 이어 "The New Order"를 1988년에 발표하며 밴드의 황금기를 활짝 열며 밴드에게 커다란 성공을 안겨주는 "Practice What You Preach"를 1989년, "Souls Of Black"을 1990년 연이어 발표하며 메탈리카와 자웅을 겨루며 전성기를 누리게된다.
그 후 1992년 ‘The Ritual’을 발표 하게 되면서 밴드는 라인업의 잦은 교체를 하게 되는데 클레멘테는 밴드를 떠나고 알렉스 스콜릭도 자신의 재즈 프로젝트를 위해 밴드를 떠나게 되며 어려움을 겪게 되지만 밴드는 제임스 머피와 엑소더스 출신의 존 템파스타를 영입하여 1994년‘Low’ 를 1997년에는 진 호건을 영입하여 “Demonic” 을 발표하게 되며 같은해 밴드는 처음으로 베스트앨범 “Signs of Chaos”를 발표하며 테스타먼트는 건재함을 과시하게 된다.이 후 다시 한번 제임스 머피 와 슬레이어의 데이브 롬바르도를 영입하여 “The Gathering”을 1999년 발표하게 되지만 밴드는 또 다시 라인업 문제로 어려움을 겪게 되며 엎친데 덮친격으로 밴드의 프론트맨 척 빌리는 2001년 3월에 암 선고를 받으며 밴드는 더 이상 활동이 불가능 하게 된다. 그럼에도 불구하고 빌리는 병을 이겨내며 흔들리는 목소리 상태로 테스타먼트의 클래식이라 할 수 있는 "First Strike Still Deadly"를 재녹음 하며 밴드의 오리지널 멤버라 할 수 있는 알렉스 스콜릭과 존 템파스타 를 불러들이며 앨범 작업을 마치게된다.
그 후 오랜 시간 많은 사람의 도움과 척 빌리의 강한정신으로 병과 싸우며 결국 이겨내게 되어 팬 들의 성원에 보답하는 실로 오랜만이라 할 수 있는 2007년 성공적인 월드투어를 마치게 되었고 대한민국의 펜타포트 락 페스티벌 에도 참여하여 많은 팬들에게 뜨거운 환호를 받았다.그리고 밴드는 거의 10년만의 새 앨범을 준비하기 위해 그 들의 고향에서 다 같이 작업하며 팬들의 엄청난 기대를 받고있다. 새 앨범에 대해 테스타먼트는 굉장히 무겁지만 훌륭한 멜로디가 공존하는 앨범 이며 올드스쿨 과 뉴 스쿨의 많은 아이디어 아주 모던한 사운드로 창조된 앨범이기 때문에 많은 팬들이 좋아하게 될 것이며 밴드는 테스타먼트의 트래쉬메탈 사운드로 다시 한번 전세계를 공격할 것이며 예전의 멤버교체로 힘들었던 시기는 지났고 지금 현재에 관해 척 빌리는 말한다.”테스타먼트는 새 밴드로 거듭났으며 우리에겐 새로운 앨범과 새로운 레이블이 있고 모든 것은 명확하다” 라며 밴드의 밝은 미래를 예고했다. .... ....
Life in the world untold, question the unknown This prison captures me, my cell is all I know I thought I knew it all, stubborn in my ways My sentence has begun, my future's what I waste
Next chapter of my life is filled with violent scenes I stay awake at night running from my dreams The voices haunting me, driving me insane Can't seem to get away, they're calling out my name I feel that I am slipping Are they out to get me My life is upside down More than meets the eye
For now I am in control, choosing my own fate And now I sleep at night because I'm not afraid My demons haunting me, I chased them all away
I've conquered all my fears, my destiny awaits I'm no longer slipping I'm not slipping away No one's out to get me No one will get in my way No longer upside down I've turned my life around More than meets the eye
More than More than More than More than meets the eye
The sky began to fall, ripping open a path up to Heaven Time slowed to a crawl early morning September eleventh Steel crumbling frames, the scales of justice are decimated Hate ignites the flames, New York city incinerated See the flames on the river, is this our judgement day? Praying hands of a killer when evil flies our way Our way
The towers got hit, a steel bird with wings of destruction As the building split, the skyline has been deconstructed So many people killed, two thousand nine hundred and seventy four Innocent blood spilled, extremist plotting a holy war See the flames on the river, terrorism sealed our fate Praying hands of a killer reciting a sermon of hate Will you please reconsider, is this our judgement day? Time to stand and deliver when evil flies our way Flies our way
We will pick up the pieces We never cast the first stone Through all the bereavement We will rebuild our home
The sky began to fall, ripping opening a path up to Heaven Time slowed to a crawl early morning September eleventh See the flames on the river, terrorism sealed our fate Praying hands of a killer reciting a sermon of hate Will you please reconsider, is this our judgement day? Time to stand and deliver when evil flies our way Flies our way
False leaders crowned, a world of mass destruction Can't wash the lies away death messiah to whom people pray Election day spitting bullshit to the enslaved Make them believe compromised insanity The time is now, rise up from destitution We won't lay down, resist the persecution
Inspired hate controlled by endless faith Sins washed away the bloody shores of humanity Unholy war, mankind is blind and bleeding Indoctrinate, shatter all of the people's faith The time is now, rise up from destitution We won't lay down, resist the persecution The time is now, rise up from destitution We won't lay down, resist the persecution
I will fight relentlessly I stand tall defiantly I see what you cannot see I invoke the beast in me
I fear not the agony I breathe hope inside of thee I will kill the enemy I fulfill my destiny
A swarm of death engulfs the sky forever Blocks out the sun, the desecration of salvation The end is near, elected false messiah Plan put in gear, the formation of damnation The time is now, rise up from destitution We won't lay down, resist the persecution The time is now, rise up from destitution We won't lay down, resist the persecution
Eyes, see, hands bleed Set, free, the formation of damnation
Predicting war, predicting life, predicting when disaster strikes Living life, living death, living on borrowed time End of time, end of days, end of all the things you save See the future, see the past, what does he have in store... Through the years, through the eyes and the lies The world he sees has become no surprise Through the years and the tears and the lies Condemned to hell, condemned to fate, condemned to time
Sacrament, sacrilege, altar to a sacrifice Smell the blood, smell the death, smell the stench of demons' breath Filled with love, filled with hate, filled with hope that dissipates
Fallen hero, fallen god, fallen victims that we've become Through the years, through the eyes and the lies The world he sees has become no surprise Through the years and the tears and the lies Condemned to hell, condemned to fate, condemned to time
When you step into the circle prepare yourself as we choose your fate As you're bleeding at the altar for your sins with blood you'll pay
> The noose around my neck cinched in tight unmercifully The tighter that it gets enables only my eyes to see Truth through all the dust, twisted lies, which you decree System unjust, you will never bend my knees The broken and the blessed both sides try to preach to me Social unrest, who labeled me the enemy In pieces shall we rest, for those who choose not to believe So put me to the test, who wrote those pages of history? Subject to another threat, living without regrets Pay the price with my death, the persecuted won't forget I cannot breath, you watch the pain suffocating me, lie lies I cannot breath, you watch me bleed suffocating me Can't break away my heart still beats unsevered My soul be saved amen condemned forever I've been awakened can't be mistaken The lessons beseech you break free from the noose The noose around my neck cinched in tight relentlessly The tighter that it gets, my heart still beats but I can't breath In pieces shall we rest, for those who chose not to believe Liberty in death, after all is said you won't break me Subject to another threat, living without regrets Pay the price with my death, the persecuted won't forget
One life is the way they live Not far from a world of sin Ride hard is the reason to Live life with a fist of doom No rest, no time, no fear In the way they die Last dance in the dead of night A steel horse is what the henchmen ride
American bliss, American pride In a world where they live and die Respect for the members in Their club when the henchmen ride
Forward, shifting gears In the wind the henchmen ride Engines roar with the energy More miles and the wind and speed Going fast is a way of life Living life when the henchmen ride
Forward, shifting gears In the wind the henchmen ride
Their brotherhood is blood That's all they really need Never asking for forgiveness Their only love is life Cause life is their machine Riding hard is the future that they see Freedom, rider, henchman, lifer
Forward, shifting gears In the wind the henchmen ride
American bliss, American pride In a world where the henchmen ride Going fast is a way of life No fear in the way they die
Forward, shifting gears In the wind the henchmen ride
> Asking for salvation at the stations of the cross, eternal is my pledge if eternal is thy loss Back in the days of yore my country summoned me, enlisted willingly in defense of liberty Eroding all alone like the mist upon the moss, eternal is my pledge an eternal holocaust They summoned me, honorably, defend the cause, never repent, away I went, to defend the cause When I was sent away they made a soldier from a boy Victory will be achieved lethal weapons to destroy
Killing season, has begun with blood in my eyes the truth blames the lies Machine gun, no place to run killing season I was taught the art of war, kill Exploding all alone like the blood upon the moss, Eternal is my pledge if eternal is thy loss They summoned me, honorably, defend the cause, never repent, Away I went, to defend the cause When I was sent away they made a soldier from a boy Victory will be achieved lethal weapons to destroy
Killing season, has begun with blood in my eyes the truth blames the lies Machine gun, no place to run killing season Chosen one, with death on my hands, killing season Art of war, kill on command, killing season Killing season, killing season Killing season, killing season
> When my old man he said to me you're growing fast boy there's so much to see You take a wife, new born, a family, he said you'd see when it comes time To be a man to do what's right You'll always find a way to make your way through life When my old man he said to me treat mankind with dignity Start with no one finding someone that you need Wonder where we go, is there really an afterlife Never growing old, going home will free his spirit When my old man he said to me the world moves fast boy with no guarantees Trust in no one till you find someone you believe Then my father past away from this world to a grave Mother earth, sands of time a better place, the afterlife Wonder where we go, is there really an afterlife Never growing old, going home will free his spirit Never ending love, is there hope in the afterlife Reach into my soul, I'll see my dad in the afterlife When my old man was alive he always would teach When my old man was alive he always believed in me He helps shape his son, the man that I've become Then my old man said to me embrace the past Listen son carry on our legacy Then my father passed away from this world to a grave Mother earth, sands of time a better place, the afterlife Wonder where we go, is there really an afterlife Never growing old, going home will free his spirit Never ending love, is there hope in the afterlife Reach into my soul, I'll see my dad in the afterlife
> The psycho logic of the civilized, controlling thoughts within their eyes Contamination of the chemical, the hidden force within the soul Fear alive will come alive fear will go, through the darkness and the woes There will be a light deep below, the sub-conscience only knows fear The politician and their freedom fight, when all is wrong there is no right The key of lies opening the door, to sacrifices in the holy war The promise of eternal afterlife, manipulation internal strife Forever-after has a fatal flaw, religious leaders above the law Fear will come alive fear will go, through the darkness and the woes There will be a light deep below, the sub-conscience only knows Fear, fear, shattering the atmosphere fear, fear, travesty is here Here, here, covering the path that's clear Fear is only what you feel... false evidence appearing real Black emotions grow on trees of scorn, seeds are planted from the day we're born Plucked from darkness rushing to the light, instinct pulling you to fight or flight Paralyzed, vilified, voices within your soul are calling from deep inside Terrorized, victimized, false prophets - nothing more than thoughts within your mind The penetration of a deep abyss, along a passage to nothingness Within the corners of the hidden eye, is where the sources of evil lie So if you suffer with no end in sight, the veil of fear is an endless night Through confrontation it will be gone, the night is dark just before the dawn Fear will come alive fear will go, through the darkness and the woes There will be a light deep below, the sub-conscience only knows Fear, fear, shattering the atmosphere fear, fear, travesty is here Here, here, covering the path that's clear Fear is only what you feel... false evidence appearing real
> Promises you never meant to keep what I thought we had was love Used to say I was the only one how could I be so wrong When you chose me to be the one our life together has not begun Manipulation, presume control the lights are broken inside my soul Overcome by the emptiness delusions of true love Cast into a very dark abyss crest fallen and undone When you chose me to be the one you broke my spirit we can't go on Insinuation it takes it's toll the lights are broken inside my soul Now I have my reason to turn my back on you Now I don't believe in you love lies bleeding through Everything that meant so much to me I left it all for love I gave you all that I had to give but it wasn't good enough I thought I loved you but it's too late you said you love me but now I hate Dead and buried let's fill the hole the lights are broken inside my soul Now I have my reason to turn my back on you Now I don't believe in you love lies bleeding through I can't get away I hope you suffer I won't let love ever drive me insane Unleash the pain laugh as you suffer you turned our love into my ugly shame Sick of your ways sick of the future I take my life back to live it my way Just walk away leave me forever you can't erase all the damage you've done