힘든 일을 겪고 난 친구에게 흔히들, 비 온 뒤 땅은 더 견고해지고 촉촉해지고 건강하게 잘 자라는 법이니 그만 툭툭 털고 일어나라고 위로하곤 한다. 뭐, 그깟 일에 연연하냐고 등을 툭툭 쳐주기도 하고 술 한잔의 위력에 마음을 기대보기도 하지만, ASHLEE SIMPSON의 경우는 좀 달랐다. 데뷔 초부터 '나는 언니제시카 심슨와 달라요, 우리는 정말 다르죠, 언니는 팝을 좋아하고 나는 락을 좋아하거든요. 언제나 가수가 되고 싶었어요'라며 음악에 대한 열정과 사랑을 보여주던 애슐리가 어느 날, 최고의 시청률을 자랑하는 SNL 프로그램에서 예상 밖의 실망스러운 가창력을 들려줬기 때문이다. 이는 가수로서의 정체성과 자격 여부에 관련된 문제였고 당당하던 신인 뮤지션의 기를 완벽하게 꺾어버린 사건이었다. 2004년 데뷔 앨범 [AUTOBIOGRAPHY]를 내놓으며 <PIECES OF ME>로 한창 주가를 올리던 그녀는 방송 이후 한동안 외출을 하지 않고 사람들과의 접촉도 피했다고. "침대에서 한발 짝도 나오고 싶지 않은 순간이었어요. 그러나 다시 한번 내면의 힘을 이용해야 했죠. 언제까지 피할 수만은 없는 일이잖아요." 그래서인지, 스물 한 살을 넘긴 애쉴리는 과거에 비해, 또래의 할리우드 스타들보다 훨씬 어른스러워 보인다. 그리고 두 번째 앨범 [I AM ME]를 통해 조금은 성숙해졌다고 해도 과언은 아닐 듯.
열정만으로 가득했던 데뷔 자신이 좋아하는 일을 할 때의 희열은 경험해본 사람만이 아는 축복이다. 엔터테인먼트 비즈니스의 냉혹함과 어려움을 미리 경고한 제시카 언니의 설득과 협박에도 아랑곳하지 않고 애슐리는 그저 음악이 좋아 어려서부터 자신의 길을 잘 걸어오고 있는 행운아 중 한 명이었다. 자유롭고 긍정적인 교육환경이나 딸에 대한 전폭적인 지지를 아끼지 않는 가족들도 더할 나위 없는 백그라운드였고, 지금은 헤어졌지만 남자 친구였던 RYAN CABRERA를 알게 된 것도 운이라면 운이 아닐까 싶다. 라이언 역시 잘 나가는 신인 뮤지션으로 둘이 비슷한 시기에 데뷔 앨범을 내놓았었고 라이언이 조금 빠르지만 이번에도 비슷한 시기에 각자의 두 번째 앨범을 발표한 것. 둘은 한 때 서로의 음악 활동에 있어 좋은 조언자가 되어주었으며 뮤직 비디오에 출연하는 등 좋은 관계를 유지했었다. 작년 MTV 리얼리티 프로그램에서는 실제로 애슐리의 데뷔 과정이 방송되었는데, 그녀는 감정의 기복이 심하고 패션에 관심이 많은 말괄량이 모습으로 활발하고 적극적인 액션을 거침없이 보여줬다. 자신의 의지와는 별개로 일어나는 음악적인 딜레마와 편견들을 극복해야 하는 어려움도 여과 없이 보여줬다. 기억에 남는 장면이라면 늦은 밤 녹음을 마치고 운전하며 집에 가는 도중, 엄마에게 전화를 걸어 눈물을 흘리던 모습의 애슐리였다. 마음 먹은 대로 흘러갈 줄만 알았던 앨범작업이 생각보다 늦춰지고 뜻한 대로 되지 않자, 슬픔과 좌절감으로 울고 만 것이다. 겁도 나고 잔뜩 화가 난 아이는 엄마에게 하소연을 했고 엄마는 여린 딸을 위해 용기를 북돋아주는 말들이 오고 갔다. 드디어 모든 노력 끝에 그녀의 데뷔앨범이 팬들에게 선보여졌고, 첫 싱글 "PIECES OF ME"가 빌보드 차트 1위에 오르며 성공적인 데뷔신고식을 이뤄냈다. 이어 "SHADOW"와 "LA LA"가 인기를 모으며 나름대로 신인 여가수의 인기를 누리던 중 돌이킬 수 없는 실수가 일어났고, 덮친 격으로 라이언과도 이별하게 되었다. 이렇게 정신적으로 극복해야 할 숙제들이 많았던 애슐리. 안팎으로 많이 고생했을 테지만 2005년 10월, 그녀는 당당히 자신의 두 번째 앨범 [I AM ME]로 돌아와줬다. 한편, 2005년 MTV 어워드 행사장에서 180도 달라진 모습의 애쉴리를 보고 깜짝 놀란 적이 있는데, 시종일관 섹시하고 스파이시한 자태를 뽐내며 주위를 깜짝 놀라게 했다는 후문이다.
결국, 뒤돌아 웃는 자의 판정승, [I AM ME] 몇 장의 포토 갤러리에서 칠흑 같이 어둡던 애쉴리의 머리는 부드러운 금발로 염색되어 있었고, 가장 잘 어울리는 스모키 메이크업을 한 채로 포즈를 취하고 있었다. 보이시한 매력으로 가득했던 과거의 모습은 온데간데 없이, 고혹적인 여인의 모습에서부터 미스테리한 팜프 파탈의 이미지를 갖고 있었다. 또한 얼핏 봤을 때, 브리트니 스피어스가 머릿속에서 스치고 지나갈 정도로 그녀의 현재 모습은 상당히 '대중화된' 인상을 남겼다. 하지만 뮤지션에게 음악은 열의 구할은 차지해야 하는 포션. 화끈하게 달라진 애슐리의 모습에 비해 소포모어 앨범 [I AM ME]의 완성도는 솔직히 기대에 살짝 못 미친다. 그럼에도 대부분의 곡들이 평균 이상이고 몇몇 곡들은 매우 만족스럽다. 그도 그럴 것이 셰릴 크로와 멜리사 에더리지, 앨라니스 모리셋과의 작업으로 명성을 얻은 프로듀서 존 쉥스가 그의 모든 에너지를 쏟아 만든 앨범이라고 하지 않았던가. 요즘 신인 팝/락 씬의 여가수들이라고 꼽아 놓는 아가씨들이 거의 모두 배우를 하면서 가수를 부업으로 하는 투잡스 프리랜서라는 점을 감안하면, 한 우물을 성실하게 파고 있는 애슐리에게 높은 점수를 줘야 할 것이다.
앨범은 전체적으로 윤택하고 다양한 멜로디와 풍성한 사운드 임팩, 그리고 십대, 이십대가 공감할 수 있는 훅HOOK이 감싸고 있어, 데뷔앨범에서 채우지 못한 단점을 충분히 보완했다. 첫 싱글로 내놓은 <BOYFRIEND>의 경우, 펑크PUNK와 가벼운 댄스 스타일이 결합된 트랙으로 애슐리의 터프한 매력과 보이스가 조화를 이룬다. 감미로운 락 발라드 트랙으로 팝적인 성향이 더 강한 <BEAUTIFULLY BROKEN>외에, 레게 리듬이 독특하게 자리잡은 <L.O.V.E.>, 아름다운 피아노 멜로디에 가창력의 깊이가 느껴지는 <CATCH ME WHEN I FALL>, 모던 락/팝의 상큼하고 경쾌한 멜로디가 살아있는 <COMING BACK FOR MORE>등은 흡입력이 높은 넘버들. 이 중에서 <BEAUTIFULLY BROKEN>은 과거 SNL 쇼에서 저지른? 실수로 인해 그 동안 애슐리가 겪어야 했던 마음고생을 담고 있다 "눈물을 닦아내야 했어요. 그리고 그냥 그렇게 한번쯤은 마음이 완전히 산산조각 나도 괜찮다는 걸 깨달았죠." 특히, <BURNING UP>이란 노래는 작년 새 앨범을 발표한 듀란듀란의 [ASTRONAUT] 앨범 중 <BEDROOM TOYS>가 연상되는 .... ....
Whatcha been doin'? Whatcha been doin'? Whoa, Whoa Haven't seen ya 'round
How you been feelin'? How you been feelin'? Whoa, whoa, Don't you bring me down
All that stuff about me Being with him Can't believe All the lies that you told Just to ease your own soul But I'm bigger than that No, you don't have my back No, no (HAH!)
Hey, how long till the music drowns you out? Don't put words up in my mouth: I didn't steal your boyfriend Hey, how long till you face what's goin' on Cause you really got it wrong: I didn't steal your boyfriend
Well I'm sorry That he called me, And that I answered the telephone Don't be worried I'm not with him And when I go out tonight, I'm going home alone
Just got back from my tour I'm a mess girl for sure All I want is some fun Guess that I'd better run Hollywood sucks you in, But it won't spit me out Whoa, Whoa (HAH!)
Hey, how long till the music drowns you out? Don't put words up in my mouth: I didn't steal your boyfriend Hey, how long till you face what's going on? Cause you really got it wrong: I didn't steal your boyfriend Hey, how long till you look at your own life? Instead of looking into mine: I didn't steal your boyfriend Hey, how long till you're leaving me alone? Don't you got somewhere to go? I didn't steal your boyfriend
Whoa, whoa, whoa (HAH!) Whoa, whoa, whoa (HAH!)
Please stop telling all your friends, I'm getting sick of them Always staring at me like I took him from you (HAH HAH HAH HAH!)
Hey, how long till the music drowns you out? Don't put words up in my mouth: I didn't steal your boyfriend Hey, how long till you face what's going on? Cause you really got it wrong: I didn't steal your boyfriend Hey, how long till you look at your own life? Instead of looking into mine: I didn't steal your boyfriend Hey, how long till you're leaving me alone? Don't you got somewhere to go? I didn't steal your boyfriend
Whoa, whoa, whoa (HAH!) Whoa, I didn't steal your boyfriend Whoa, whoa, whoa (HAH!) Whoa, I didn't steal your boyfriend
Do you love me? Oh, do you love me? I'd say so Do you need me? Oh, do you need me? God, I hope
I get this feeling deep inside That somewhere, somehow you passed me by I can't put my finger on it but, The more that I see you the more that I know
Everywhere you go is everywhere I've been You finish all my sentences before they begin And I know that look in your eyes It's like I've seen you before about a million times In another life In another life, maybe In another life you must have been mine Oh...
You make me feel so Oh, you make me so beautiful It doesn't matter No, it never matters if we're out or home
We can make hours into years Wherever you go, you're always here It's like I've known you from before, But I'm just so happy you walked through my door
Everywhere you go is everywhere I've been You finish all my sentences before they begin And I know that look in your eyes It's like I've seen you before about a million times In another life In another life, maybe In another life you must have been mine
I'm breathing you in I'm breathing you out And you're all around me No matter what we do I want to spend my life with you Only you
Do you love me? Oh, do you love me? Say you love me Oh, say you love me
Everywhere you go is everywhere I've been You finish all my sentences before they begin And I know that look in your eyes It's like I've seen you before about a million times In another life In another life, maybe In another life you must have been mine
And I know that look in your eyes, It's like I've seen you before about a million times In another life In another life, maybe In another life you must have been mine
It seems like yesterday that my world fell from the sky It seems like yesterday I didn't know how hard I could cry It feels like tomorrow I may not get by But I will try I will try Wipe the tears from my eyes
[chorus] I'm beautifully broken And I don't mind if you know it I'm beautifully broken And I don't care if I show it
Everyday is a new day I'm reminded of my past Every time there's another storm I know that it won't last Every moment I'm filled with hope 'cause I get another chance But I will try I will try Got nothing left to hide
[chorus] I'm beautifully broken And I don't mind if you know it I'm beautifully broken And I don't care if i show it
Without the highs and the lows Where would we go Where would we go
[chorus] I'm beautifully broken And I don't mind if you know it I'm beautifully broken And I don't care if i show it
I, I am beautifully broken I am beautifully broken I'm beautifully broken And I don't care if i show it
I'm talkin' bout love All my girls stand in a circle and clap your hands this is for you Ups and downs highs and lows no matter what you see me through My boyfriend he don't answer on the telephone I don't even know where the hell he goes But all my girls we're in a circle and nobody's gonna break through
L,O,L,O,L,O,L.O.V.E L,O,L,O,L,O Oh did you hear me say? L,O,L,O,L,O,L.O.V.E L,O,L,O,L,O Did you hear me say L,O,L,O,L,O,L.O.V.E L,O,L,O,L,O Im talkin' bout L,O,L,O,L,O,L.O.V.E L,O,L,O,L,O
I'm talkin' bout love, say you'll be my girls for life girls for like Oh hold off I need another one I think you, you do too Grab my bag, got my own money Don't need any man in this room My boyfriend he'll be calling me now anytime I need all my girls to keep him off my mind So hold up we need another one What we got is all girls
L,O,L,O,L,O,L.O.V.E L,O,L,O,L,O Did you hear me say? L,O,L,O,L,O,L.O.V.E L,O,L,O,LO Oh did you hear me say? L,O,L,O,L,O,L.O.V.E L,O,L,O,L,O I'm talking bout L,O,L,O,L,O,L.O.V.E L,O,L,O,L,O
I'm talkin' bout love I'm talkin' bout love Love is an energy, love is a mystery Love is meant to be true Love is a part of me, love is the heart of me Love is the best thing we do
L,O,L,O,L,O,L.O.V.E L,O,L,O,L,O Oh did you hear me say? L,O,L,O,L,O,L.O.V.E L,O,L,O,L,O Did you hear me say? L,O,L,O,L,O,L.O.V.E L,O,L,O,L,O I'm talkin' bout L,O,L,O,L,O,L.O.V.E L,O,L,O,L,O I'm talkin' bout L,O,L,O,L,O,L.O.V.E L,O,L,O,L,O Oh did you hear me say? L,O,L,O,L,O,L.O.V.E L,O,L,O,L,O I'm talkin' bout L,O,L,O,L,O,L.O.V.E L,O,L,O,L,O I'm talkin' bout L,O,L,O,L,O,L.O.V.E L,O,L,O,L,O I'm talkin' bout L,O,L,O,L,O,L.O.V.E L,O,L,O,L,O
Sunday morning blues always about you I wake up alone in a big room Got myself to blame for all my bad moods And I really wish that I didn't feel this way I want to break the circle but the circle won't break
I don't wanna spend another night Trying to figure why you are always on my mind woah All I know you keep me coming back for more Even when I think I've had enough When I tell you that it's over now we're done, ooh Don't let go, just keep coming back for more
You keep me coming coming coming coming back for more I'm coming coming coming coming back
Two weeks and three whole days and I give in I was doing so good but you always win And I really wish sometimes that we would just move on But what would I be doing if you were gone
I don't wanna spend another night Trying to figure why you are always on my mind woah All I know you keep me coming back for more Even when I think I've had enough When I tell you that it's over now we're done, ooh Don't let go, just keep coming back for more
You always find a way to make me want to stay You'll never get away from me
I don't wanna spend another night Trying to figure why you are always on my mind woah All I know you keep me coming back for more Even when I think I've had enough When I tell you that it's over now we're done, ooh Don't let gom just keep coming back for more
You keep me coming coming coming coming back for more Coming back for more You keep me coming coming coming coming back for more Just keep me coming back for more
Nobody's gonna hold me back It's friday night I feel allright Nobody's gonna bring me down It's my life And I'm doing fine Don't you know I wanna play So take me on a holiday
So here I am Looking pretty for you They come and they go So many faces it's no use So I'm dancing alone Dreaming solo Cause your love's the one worth waiting for It's just like heaven
Nobody's gonna break my heart And hurt me like they did before No one can even get the part Not until I know it's deep Can't you come and take me away Take me to another place
So here I am Looking pretty for you They come and they go So many faces it's no use So I'm dancing alone Dreaming solo Cause your love's the one worth waiting for It's just like heaven
Can you hurry up Can you feel my love I'm burning up I'm so hot I'm so hot I'm so hot Dancing alone Dreaming alone
So here I am Looking pretty for you They come and they go No one else here will do So I'm dancing alone Dreaming solo Cause your love's the one worth waiting for It's just like heaven
Like heaven Cause your love's the one worth waitinf for The one worth waiting for I'm dancing alone I'm dancing alone I'm dancing alone I'm dancing alone
Every time that you're walking by I feel the vibe inside There's something about the way you are that's giving me butterflies Maybe the planets have aligned Maybe it's all in my mind So let me just introduce myself before I get too shy I've seen you in my dreams at night to you I fantasize You caught my eye, you're just so fine You caught my eye, you're just so fine I'm burning Up for you I'm burning Up for you I see diamonds in the sky Touch my hand and I can fly All this is a mystery So come on and dance with me I can't believe it's 4 a.m. Where did the time go I could sit here for days just hanging with you alone We got an instant history Some supernatural chemistry Can't you feel it, feel it ,oh But I'm giving you my number now before this goes too far It's getting really hot in here And soon it will be hard to say goodnight The times not right so say goodnight Before I die You make me feel Like fire Is this love or just desire You make me feel Like fire Is this love or just desire
Is anybody out there Does anybody see That when the lights are off something's killing me
I know it seems like people care Cause they're always around me But when the day is done and everybody runs
Who will be the one to save me from myself Who will be the one who's there And not ashamed to see me crawl Who's gonna catch me when I fall
When the show is over And it's empty everywhere It's hard to face going back alone So I walk around the city Anything, anything to clear my head I've got nowhere to go nowhere but home
Who will be the one to save me from myself Who will be the one who's there And not ashamed to see me crawl Who's gonna catch me when I fall
It may seem I have everything But everything means nothing When the ride that you been on That you're coming off Leaves you feeling lost
Is anybody out there Does anyobdy see That sometimes loneliness is a part of me
What's she got that I don't have? Does she fill those spaces that I left you? When you wake up every night, Does the scent of regret ever haunt you?
Put this under your skin, Cause I am me and I won't change for anyone, (But) me, and I won't change for anyone Yeah, for anyone like you
Does the weight of consequence Drag you down until it pulls you under? And does she lend an eager hand to save you From the future of being with her? But, are you with her?
Put this under her skin, Cause I am me and I won't change for anyone (But) me and I won't change for anyone Yeah, for anyone like you
Why would I, why would I change? Why would I change?
Put this under your skin, Cause I am me and I won't change for anyone (But) me, and I won't change, I won't change!
What's she got that I don't have? What's she got that I don't have?
I could hear her breathing No one believed me No one believed me I could hear those voices So decieving So decieving
Cool wind on my face Cool wind on my face
Do you know how it feels to be afraid Lying there frozen With my eyes wide open Do you know how it feels to find a trace Of words unspoken With my eyes wide open I know your secret I can feel you calling I know that you're there I know that you're there Tell me all your memories I'll keep them alive I'll keep them alive
Cool wind on my face Cool wind on my face
I heard you I felt you I know so what do you want from me
Cool wind on my face Cool wind on my face Cool wind on my face Cool wind on my face
You don't know me Like you knew me You stopped listening The moment that I needed you the most You can't seem me Like you saw me Truth comes easy But it's hard for you to pull me from the ground So I scream, scream cause it hurts Your every word Cuts me inside and leaves me worse There's no way back And what if there was You'd still be you and I'd still need to say goodbye Maybe you don't Love me Like I love you baby Cause the broken in you doesn't make me run There is beauty In the dark side I'm not frightened Without it I could never fel the sun Nothing will ever change no matter what you say I'm still gonna be the same The hader we try, the harder that we fight, can't get it right
Don't keep me waiting, anticipating Treating me like a fool I got news for you I'm turning my back I'm dropping a bomb on you
You want me You need me Believe me, you'll be callin' You love me You hate me Believe me, you'll come crawlin'
So get down and get off Let me show you what you'll be missing We break up, you break down Gonna drag you through this kicking and screaming
Don't keep me guessing your favorite obsession Don't get me a lame excuse Is it me that you're messing It's the same old confession You're the one with something to lose
Watch out now A blackout There's no doubt You can't have it Control you I'll own you I'll show you, but you still can't have it
So get down and get off Let me show you what you'll be missing We break up, you break down Gonna drag you through this kicking and screaming So get down and get off You're not the only one that I've been missing We break up, you break down Gonna drag you through this kicking and screaming
You'll be kicking and screaming You'll be kicking and screaming But I'm so deceiving, you'll be kicking and screaming
Watch out now You'll find out You'll cry out There's no one above me I play hard Don't run far Come back now, I really do like you...
So get down and get off Let me show you what you'll be missing We break up, you break down Gonna drag you through this kicking and screaming So get down and get off You're not the only one that I've been missing We break up, you break down Gonna drag you through this kicking and screaming
You'll be kicking and screaming You'll be kicking and screaming
Kicking and screaming
Kicking and Screaming
Universal Music (602498865897) International Version