풍성한 표현력과 깊이 있는 화음으로 경계 없는 음악세계를 완벽하게 표현한 핀란드의 세계적인 보컬 앙상블 RAJATON"라야톤" 의 공식 두 번째 영어앨범 BOUNDLESS아카펠라 앨범 전문 평론가 그룹 THE RECORDED A CAPPELLA REVIEW BOARD"RARB"의 평점에서 만장일치로 5점 만점에 5점 만점을 받은 팀. .... ....
Sweet as the sound of my newformed wings I stretch them open, I let them dry I haven't seen this world before But I'm excused, I'm a butterfly
Sweet as the touch of your newborn wings We fly in circles, we play with the sun We haven't seen this world before So fair, so bright, so blue the sky
Love me, love me on the leaves Before we say goodbye Love me, kiss me with the breeze You will be my lullaby Tomorrow I'll die Tomorrow I'll die Tomorrow I'll die Tomorrow I'll die Be my lullaby
Love me, kiss me with your breeze
Love me, love me on the leaves
Love me, love me on the leaves Before we say goodbye
Sweet as the wind as it gently blows The day away. And the night time comes Great are the wonders that silence shows I fall asleep and I dream of the sun