레이서 엑스, 미스터 빅을 거친 기타리스트이자 가공할 풀피킹, 드릴주법의 대명사인 폴 길버트의 2005년 신작 솔로 앨범. 『Space Ship One』
아이바네즈 기타가 품에 안기면 세상의 온갖 화려함은 `그의 손길`에서 비롯된다, 폴 길버트(Paul Gilbert). 2002년에 발표한 작품 Burning Organ 이 공개된 이후로 3년만에 발표되는 신작이며, 여느 이들이 우주공간에 서게 되어 각가지 장비를 몸에 지니게 된다면, 그에게만큼은 기타가 유일한 도구이자 생명 Guitar is My Life 이라는 생각을 갖게 만드는 작품이 Spaceship One 이다.
다섯 살에 부모에게 기타를 선물 받았고 열다섯 살에 기타 플레이어 지에 소개되었으며, GIT에서 갈고 닦은 실력으로 동료인 브루스 부예와 함께 Racer X 를 결성하여 이끌었으며, 락의 흐름속에 깊이 관여한 빅 밴드 미스터 빅을 빌리 시언 과 함께 결성한 이가 바로 폴 길버트이다. 1991년에 발표한 미스터 빅의 2집 음반『Lean into It』에 수록되어 있는 곡 ‘Daddy’, ‘Brother’, Lover’, ‘Little Boy’에서 그가 들려준 전자드릴 기타 연주는 신중과 패기를 동시에 지니고 있는 젊은 기타 플레이어의 사실적인 실험연주와 함께, 세계의 기타 연주가(들)에게 놀라운 작품 세계로 그려지게 된다.
이후로 미스터 빅이 겪게 되는 낙후에 의한 행보와, 음반작업에 따른 가파른 경사의 길에서 희망을 찾지 못하고 그룹에서 독립하게 된 그는, 자신의 멋스러움을 한껏 살리게 되는 첫 솔로 음반인 『King of Club』 을 발표함에 따라서 스스로 생각하고 판단하는 기타 연주를 통하여 자유의지를 보이게 된다. 그리고 2005년 현재에 발표한 스페이스쉽 원 은, 동명의 타이틀 곡 ‘Spaceship One’ 의 맛깔스러운 연주를 비롯하여 인스트루멘틀의 곡 인 잭헤머 에서 비롯되는 전율속에 휩싸인 연주 기량과, 형용할 수 없는 락 앤 롤 뮤직의 경쾌함, ‘We All Dream of Love’에 다다른 끝 곡에서는, 폴 길버트를 보면서 우리가 꿈꾸었던 `음악인으로서의 길`을 다시 한 번 기억하게 하는, 소중하고 멋진 음반으로 자리하게 될 것이다. .... ....
I've got a car cruising down the street I wanna take you for a ride Strap yourself into the passenger seat And let me take you on a drive You know my grandfather always said That a man is only good as his tools And my car's pretty good but Space Ship One just rules Space Ship One just rules
I've had a Volvo and a Cadillac I've driven everything in between I like the feel driving down the road But now I just cannot forget what I seen This little number's gonna say goodbye To all the gravity and unleaded fuels Yeah my car's pretty good but Space Ship One just rules Space Ship One just rules
I've saving money gonna get me a ticket And I'll buy you one if you come along The only way that I know how to make some money Is to play guitar in rock and roll songs So I put my amplifier in the back of my car Meet my band for a gig at the school Yeah we're all pretty good but Space Ship One just rules Space Ship One just rules Space Ship One just rules Space Ship One just rules Space Ship One just rules Space Ship One just rules
Who's that girl with the dark sunglasses Who's that girl with the hat pulled low She can't disguise While she tries to advertise The secret of what's hidden there below
Cause every hot girl is a rockstar When she's wearing those clothes Yeah everybody knows that Every hot girl is a rockstar Yeah and she just laughs If you want an autogragh Then gets back in her car Like a hot girl rock and roll star
Who's that girl with the hot new boyfriend Who's that girl always on the telephone She's telling lies and won't he be surprised To find out that she can't be left alone
Cause every hot girl is a rockstar When she's wearing those cloths Yeah everybody knows that Every hot girl is a rockstar Yeah and she just laughs If you want an autogragh Then gets back in her car Like a hot girl rock and roll star
I never met her, never met her, never met a woman here before I'm gonna get her, gonna get her, gonna get over the fear before The dress she wore gets hung on someone else's door
Who's that girl just changing her direction Who's that girl just look me in the eye She's not to blame I know it's hard to turn down fame The drug we take when we need to get high
Cause every hot girl is a rockstar When she's wearing those clothes Yeah everybody knows that Every hot girl is a rockstar Yeah and she just laughs If you want an autogragh Then gets back in her car Like a hot girl rock and roll star
Yesterday I had a killer date, uh huh Today I woke up just a little late, she's gonna Hold my hand and take me to the gate now On the way to hell
I'm not a man, I'm just a skinny kid, I don't Know what I want, maybe if I did I'd have a Better chance not ending up like Sid now On the way to hell
I'm on my way to hell On my way to hell I'm on my way
I'm only asking for a little more, I wanna See a girl I never seen before, she's gonna Show me something that I can't ignore now On the way to hell
I'm gonna wrap her up in cellophane, and take her Across the water in my aeroplane, I'm gonna Play this guitar until we insane now On the way to hell
It's just a city like L.A. They got a new Hard Rock Cafe We'll buy a t-shirt on a holiday Because your friends will wanna see it Then I'm taking you across the stream Not gonna stop until I hear you scream Remember life is really but a dream So you might as well dream it Might as well dream it
I'm only asking for a little more, I wanna See a girl I never seen before, she's gonna Show me something that I can't ignore now On the way to hell
I'm not a man I'm just a skinny kid, I don't Know what I want and maybe if I did I'd have a better chance not ending up like Sid now On the way to hell
I'm on my way to hell On my way to hell I'm on my way
I'm on my way to hell On my way to hell I'm on my way I'm on my way On my way to hell
I love my SVT Don't need no MTV I'm gonna play my bass Vibrate your whole damn face Melt your ears like icecubes Crank up my power tubes
Everybody stop and listen to me I got a whole lotta nothing to say Except hey, hey, hey, hey SVT, SVT, SVT, SVT
I love them blue or black Louder than a Marshall stack Heavier than I can lift You'll know when I have riffed Melt your ears like icecubes Crank up my power tubes
Everybody stop and listen to me I got a whole lotta nothing to say Except hey, hey, hey, hey SVT, SVT, SVT, SVT
I love my SVT Don't need no MTV I'm gonna play my bass Vibrate your whole damn face Melt your ears like icecubes Crank up my power tubes
Everybody stop and listen to me I got a whole lotta nothing to say Except hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey SVT, SVT, SVT, SVT
I'm a terrible man I'm a terrible man Since I done my baby wrong I'm a terrible man Got wall to wall carpet In my custom Dodge van but I'm a terrible man
I'm a terrible man I'm a terrible man Since I done that girl so wrong I'm a terrible man Got a condo on the beach And a California tan but I'm a terrible man, I'm a terrible man
I'm a terrible man I'm a terrible man Since I left her standing alone I'm a terrible man Got a solid gold record With my rock and roll band Everybody's being nice to me But they don't understand, no I'm a terrible man, I'm a terrible man
I can't breathe, there's too much dust in the air I can't see, cause all the grease in my hair Is getting in my eyes and makes me look like I'm crying
I can't stay, already been here too long I can't leave, don't want to leave you alone Now I'm a big strong man so don't you think that I'm crying
No it's the rain outside getting on my face Or the foam from a glass of beer Or the water fountain was misplaced It is anything but a tear
No I'm not crying, I'm not crying I don't have time to spend on that I've got to keep on trying I'm not crying, I'm not crying I only want you back And so I really should be flying To knock on your door, Mr.Spock is no more
I can't feel, because my heart is so strong I can't go, I don't know where I belong I keep on searching for someplace, can't you see that I'm trying
I can't hide, because I'm six feet four I don't fit, cause I'm too tall for the door I hit my head if I forget and band aids I'm buying
Now it's the rain outside getting on my face Or the foam from a glass of beer Or the water fountain was misplaced It is anything but a tear
No I'm not crying, I'm not crying I don't have time to spend on that I've got to keep on trying I'm not crying, I'm not crying I only want you back And so I really should be flying To knock on your door, Mr.Spock is no more
Questo ??짢 il telefono che avevi quando eri mia In quei giorni suonava tutto il tempo Ti chiamavo per sapere se tu stavi bene E pensai che avrei potuto essere un brav'uomo. Ero strano, pieno di speranze e dignit???? Ma ci fu la rottura, quell'errore lo feci io.
Ogni notte posso vederti nei miei sogni ma le mie giornate sono cos??짭 vuote e sembra che sia sbagliato aspettare cos??짭 a lungo per rimediare Ed ho cercato nelle parole di consiglio di tutti "Datti una mossa, torna indietro e tira di nuovo i dadi" Ma la canzone che mi ronza in testa ??짢 "Non sarebbe carino".
Ed ho cercato nelle parole di consiglio di tutti "Datti una mossa, torna indietro e tira di nuovo i dadi" Ma la canzone che mi ronza in testa ??짢 "Non sarebbe carino".
That's the phone that I had when you were mine In those days it was ringing all the time Calling you so I knew you were fine And a good man I felt that I could be I was strong, full of hope and dignity But the break, that mistake came from me
I know you, you know me Why we aren't together is a mystery That only we know, we know All I want to do is be together with you and let you know I'll be a good man All I want to do is be together with you and never go I'll be a good man
Every night I can see you in my dreams But my days are so empty and it seems Being wrong takes so long to remedy And I've tried taking everyone's advice Just move on, get back in and roll the dice But the song I sing in my head is "Wouldn't it be nice"
I know you, you know me Why we aren't together is a mystery That only we know, we know All I want to do is be together with you and let you know I'll be a good man All I want to do is be together with you and never go
And I've tried taking everyone's advice Just move on, get back in and roll the dice But the song I sing in my head is "Wouldn't it be nice"
I know you, you know me Why we aren't together is a mystery That only we know, we know All I want to do is be together with you and let you know I'll be a good man All I want to do is be together with you and let you know I'll be a good man All I want to do is be together with you and never go I'll be a good man
If I wash my car You know I'm gonna feel all right If I wash my car You know I'm gonna feel all right If I wash my car I'm gonna feel like a star tonight
If I keep it clean And drive it out to Hollywood If I keep it clean And Drive it out to Hollywood If I keep it clean You know it's gonna feel so good
Got a girl here that wants me to stay Got another who wants me to play Tonight I just can't decide Gonna free my soul and just go for a ride
If I wash my car You know it's gonna be all right If I wash my car I'm gonna feel like a star tonight
Got a girl here that wants me to stay Got another who wants me to play Tonight I just can't decide Gonna free my soul and just go for a ride
If I don't come back Don't worry cause I'm not far Just letting the time roll by While washing the car Let it roll
If I wash my car You know I'm gonna feel all right If I wash my car You know I'm gonna feel all right If I wash my car I'm gonna feel like a star tonight
If I keep it clean And drive it out to Hollywood If I keep it clean And drive it out to Hollywood If I keep it clean You know it's gonna feel so good Just lettng the time roll by Washing under the hood When I wash my car You know it makes me feel so good I feel so good
When I look into your eyes, your love is there for me And the more I go inside, the more there is to see
It's all too much for me to take The love that's shining all around you Everywhere, it's what you make For us to take, it's all too much
Floating down the stream of time, of life to life with me Makes no difference where you are or where you'd like to be
It's all too much for me to take The love that's shining all around here All the world's a birthday cake, So take a piece but not too much
Set me on a silver sun, for I know that I'm free Show me that I'm everywhere, and get me home for tea
It's all to much for me to see A love that's shining all around here The more I am, the less I know And what I do is all too much It's all too much for me to take The love that's shining all around you Everywhere, it's what you make For us to take, it's all too much It's too much, It's too much
We all dream of love We all dream of meeting someone Sent here from above We all dream of love We all dream of meeting someone Sent here from above
But if no one comes we must endure Have faith through we're not ready sure Cause what else can you do Until you meet that one who dreams of you
We all hope someday We will fall in love and it will never go away We all hope someday We will fall in love and it will never go away
But if you fall down you must stay strong Just get back up and sing your song Cause what else can you do Until you meet that one who hopes for you
But while we wait let's still have fun and practice for the time to come Cause what else can you do Until you meet that one who dreams of you Until you meet that one who dreams of you
We all dream of love We all dream of meeting someone Sent here from above