"MUSIC OF THE NIGHT," "ALL I ASK OF YOU," "THINK OF ME," "WISHING YOU WERE SOMEHOW HERE AGAIN" 등 뮤지컬 역사상 가장 빛나는 음악들을 선보이고 있는 오페라의 유령의 오리지널 사운드트랙이 소니뮤직에 의해 12월3일 출시될 예정이다. 이번 앨범의 프로듀서는 영화의 제작자이기도 한 앤드류 로이드 웨버가 직접 맡아 그 음악적 완성도를 한껏 높였다. 뮤지컬 때와는 달리 충분한 예산을 확보한 듯 전곡을 오케스트라로 편곡하여 한층 더 커진 스케일, 더 비장하고 장엄해진 분위기를 선사하고 있다. 메인 선율 너머로 연주되는 갖가지 악기들의 다양한 바리에이션은 원곡이 가지고 있던 잠재력을 새삼 확인시켜준다. 슈마허와 웨버의 영화가 뮤지컬 무대에서는 보여줄 수 없었던 몇가지 과거를 보여주는 것처럼, 오리지널 사운드트랙에서도 뮤지컬 무대에서는 소화할 수 없었던 또는 선보이지 못했던 새로운 면모를 발견하는 특별한 즐거움이 있다. 관능적인 비너스였던 사라 브라이트만에 비해 18세의 소녀 에미 로섬은, 보다 안정적이고 지적이며 순수한 음성으로 크리스틴을 노래한다. 무엇보다도 두드러진 차이는 라울의 성장. 유령의 카리스마에 눌려 소극적이고 부드러운 남자에 불과했던 라울은 영화상에서나 노래에서나 한층 강단있고 남성적인 캐릭터로 변모하며 유령과 대등하게 필적하고 있다.
<앨범 라이너노트>
다시 부활한 유령, 그리고 앤드류 로이드 웨버
익히 알려져있다시피 '오페라의 유령'의 원작자는 프랑스 작가 가스통 르루GASTON LUROUX이다. 그는 허영심이 많고 도박에 심취했던 인물로 전해진다. 급서한 아버지가 따로 일을 하지 않아도 먹고 살 수 있을 만큼 풍족한 유산을 남겨 주었지만 도박과 유흥으로 순식간에 탕진해버린 그는 오로지 생계유지를 위해 펜대를 들었다. 첫 번째 추리 소설이자 대표작인 '노란 방의 미스테리'가 별 기대 없이 엉겁결에 맞은 대박이었다면, 두 번째 소설 '오페라의 유령'은 '노란 방…'의 성공에 힘입어 두 번째 잭팟을 기대하고 작정하고 쓴 것이었다. 그러나 논리적이고 이성적인 전작에 비해 공포와 환타지가 가득했던 '오페라의 유령'을 앞에 두고 파리 시민들은 냉담하게 돌아섰으며 작가는 좌절했다. 이후로도 르루는 10여 편의 소설을 썼지만 그 어떤 작품도 그에게 부와 명예를 안겨주지 못했다. 1927년 결국 그는 평범하고 조촐하게 생을 마감할 수밖에 없었다. 모국에서 찬밥 신세를 면치 못한 '유령'은 바다 건너 신세계에서는 제대로 대접을 받았다. 미국 모 일간지에 연재되면서 점차 인기를 모은 이 작품은 1925년 유니버설 영화사에 의해 처음으로 스크린에 소개되기에 이르른다. 당시 주역을 맡았던 배우 론 채니는 일약 스타덤에 올랐으며 '유령'은 프랑스 국경을 초월한 국제적인 캐릭터가 되었다. 수많은 영화 감독이며 연출가며 방송국 PD가 르루처럼 대박 세례를 받고자 '유령'에게 영혼을 팔았다. 영화로, 연극으로, 뮤지컬로, 다시 TV 시리즈로 부활한 유령은 그 때 그 때 흥행을 누리긴 했지만 단기간에 그쳤다. 그리고 1988년, 이단아 앤드류 로이드 웨버가 등장했다. 1970년 스물 두 살의 나이에 앤드류 로이드 웨버는 락 음악으로 중무장한 '지저스 크라이스트 슈퍼스타'를 세상에 내놓아 지축을 뒤흔들었다. 30세에 작곡한 '에비타' 34세의 '캐츠'는 그에게 '뮤지컬의 황제'로 부동의 지위를 약속했다. 이미 최고의 자리에 올라선 그가 '오페라의 유령'에 손을 뻗은 것은 당시로서는 말 그대로 '도박'이었다. 이미 다양한 매체를 위한 수많은 버전이 판을 치고 있는 상황에서 사람들은 '유령'에게서 더 이상 새롭게 뽑아낼 엑기스가 없다고 생각했던 것이다. 그러나 엑기스는 있었다. 첫 번째 웨버는 유령의 카리스마에 눌려 기를 못펴고 있던 라울과 크리스틴의 아름다운 사랑을 발견했다. 두 연인의 모습을 극대화시킨 웨버의 뮤지컬 버전은 심지어 '공포 소설'로까지 통용되었던 르루의 원작과는 전혀 다른 색깔의 로맨틱한 멜로를 제공한다. 그리고 관객들은 이 멜로에 열광했다. 이제 '오페라의 유령'의 줄거리를 이야기할 때, 사람들은 더 이상 르루의 원작을 언급하지 않는다. '오페라의 유령'은 웨버의 것이 되어버렸다. 심지어 프레드릭 포사이드가 발표한 '오페라의 유령' 속편 조차, 르루의 원작이 아닌 웨버의 뮤지컬 줄거리에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 웨버의 로맨스는 사실 그 자체로 따지자면 그렇게 특별한 그 무엇을 가지고 있지는 않다. 일개 코러스 걸이 프리마 돈나가 되고 부유한 후원자와 사랑을 이룬다는 설정은 이미 2백년도 더 전에 덴마크에서 안데르센이 '신데렐라'에 비슷하게 써먹은 모티브다. 오히려 오페라하우스에 살고 있다는 유령이 더 독특해 보일 지경이다. 그러나 웨버의 '유령'에는 다른 데서는 찾아볼 수 없는 특별한 그 무엇이 있었다. 그것은 웨버의 음악이었다. 자칫 평범하고 통속적일 수 있는 줄거리를 최고의 수준의 예술로 완성시킨 데 결정적인 역할을 한 것이 유령도, 사랑도 아닌 웨버의 음악임은 누구나 인정할 것이다. "클래식을 공부한 작곡가가 저열하게 뽕짝을 쓰고 있다"는 호사가들의 비난은 '오페라의 유령'에 이르러 비로소 쑥 들어갔다. 현 뉴욕 필 상임지휘자 로린 마젤은 다분히 정치적이긴 하지만 이런 헌사까지 남겼다. " '오페라의 유령'은 브로드웨의 뮤지컬과 정통 클래식 오페라가 하나로 만날 수 있는 가능성을 보여주는 이정표적인 작품이다."
1986년 10월 9일 런던 웨스트엔드 'HER MAJESTY' 극장에서 공식 데뷔한 이 작품은 오늘날까지 8백만의 관객을 기록하며 명실상부한 최고의 뮤지컬 자리를 고수하고 있다. 공연 수익금만 무려 320억원, 전 세계 18개국 무대에서 6만 5천회 공연이라는 진기록도 세웠다. 지난 8월 영국에서만 7천번째 공연을 기록한 '유령'은 지난 18년 간 올리비에상, 토니 상을 포함한 50여 개의 상을 수상했다. 1988년 뉴욕 브로드웨이에 '오페라의 유령'을 상륙시키면서 앤드류 로이드 웨버는 이 작품의 영화화를 염두에 두기 시작했다. 이 당시 조엘 슈마허 감독의 'THE LAST BOY'가 개봉되고 있었으며 이 영화를 관람한 웨버는 감독의 탁월한 시각적, 음악적 센스에 감명받아 슈마허의 만남을 요청했고, 그 자리에서 '오페라의 유령' 연출을 약속받았다. 당시 웨버는 팬텀 역으로 마이클 크로포드를, 그리고 크리스틴 역으로 자신의 두 번째 부인이자 '오페라의 유령'의 원조 히로인인 사라 브라이트만을 꼽아두고 있었다고 한다. 하지만 2년 뒤 웨버의 그림자가 부담스러웠던 브라이트만은 웨버와의 결별을 선언했고 영화제작은 오리무중에 빠지고 말았다. 그동안 슈마허는 '배트맨 포에버' '타임 투 킬' '8미리' '폰 부스'와 같은 영화로, 웨버는 '스타라이트 익스프레스' '선 셋 대로'로 각자의 영역에 매진했다. 2002년, 런던에서 만난 두 사람은 마침내 14년 전의 약속을 실현시키기로 의기투합하기에 이르렀다.
슈마허의, 그리고 웨버의 영화는 뮤지컬 무대에서는 보여줄 수 없었던 몇가지 과거를 보여준다. 대사로만 처리되었던 라울의 회상 장면이라든가 팬텀의 과거가 본격적으로 영상에 펼쳐진다. 팬텀의 불행했던 어린 시절과 사회의 편견, 크리스틴이 아버지 무덤 앞에서 말을 타는 장면, 라울의 상상 속의 여행 장면을 위해 웨버는 15분 상당의 새로운 음악을 추가 작곡했다. 이 음반에는 그 가운데 엔딩 크레딧에 흐르는 'TK'란 제목의 음악이 수록되어 있다. 한편 안토니오 반데라스로 내정되었다는 항간의 소문과 달리 타이틀롤로 낙점된 인물은 제라드 버틀러였다. '툼레이더 2'에서 안젤리나 졸리의 옛 연인으로 등장했던 그는 낮은 지명도에도 불구하고 훌륭한 테너 목소리로 웨버를 감동시켰다고 전해진다. 이는 크리스틴 역의 에미 로섬도, 라울 역의 패트릭 윌슨도 마찬가지였다. 실제로 '유령' 오디션은 언제 어디서나 예측불허의 스타 탄생으로 유명하다. 수많은 스타들이 유령이, 크리스틴이 되어보고자 몰려들지만 언제나 주역은 의외의 미확인 엑스트라에게 돌아갔다. 사라 브라이트만 또한 '오페라의 유령' 이전에는 무명의 여가수에 불과했다. 우리나라에서도 9차까지 이어진 오디션에서, 그것도 앙상블 오디션에서 윤영석이라는 배우가 유령처럼 타이틀롤로 발탁된 바 있다. 이번 OST를 들어보면, 한층 두터워진 오케스트레이션뮤지컬 때와 달리 충분한 예산을 확보한 웨버는 전곡을 오케스트라로 편곡했다으로 인해 전반적인 분위기가 한층 더 비장하고 장엄해진 것을 느낄 수 있을 것이다. 메인 선율 너머로 연주되는 갖가지 악기들의 다양한 바리에이션은 원곡이 가지고 있던 잠재력을 재삼 확인시켜 준다. 그러나 그 무엇보다도 두드러진 차이는 라울의 성장이다. 유령의 카리스마에 눌려 소극적이고 부드러운 남자에 불과했던 라울은 영화상에서나 노래에서나 한층 강단있고 남성적인 캐릭터로 변모하며 유령과 대등하게 필적하고 있다. 에미 로섬은 관능적인 비너스였던 사라 브라이트만에 비해 안정적이고 지적이며 순수한 음성으로 크리스틴을 노래한다.
665, ladies and gentlemen: a papier-mache musical box, in the shape of a barrel-organ. Attached, the figure of a monkey in Persian robes playing the cymbals. This item, discovered in the vaults of the theatre, still in working order.
PORTER (holding it up) Showing here. (He sets it in motion)
AUCTIONEER My I start at twenty francs? Fifteen, then? Fifteen I am bid.
(the bidding continues. RAOUL. eventually buys the box for thirty francs)
Sold, for thirty francs to the Vicomte de Chagny. Thank you, sir.
(The box is handed across to RAOUL. He studies it, as attention focuses on him for a moment)
RAOUL (quietly, half to himself, half to the box) A collector's piece indeed . . . every detail exactly as she said . . .
She often spoke of you, my friend .... Your velvet lining, and your figurine of lead...
Will you still play, when all the rest of us are dead?
(Attention returns to the AUCTIONEER, as he resumes)
AUCTIONEER Lot 666, then: a chandelier in pieces. Some of you may recall the strange affair of the Phantom of the Opera: a mystery never fully explained. We are told ladies and gentlemen, that this is the very chandelier which figures in the famous disaster. Our workshops have restored it and fitted up parts of it with wiring for the new electric light, so that we may get a hint of what it may look like when re- assembled. Perhaps we may frighten away the ghost of so many years ago with a little illumination, gentlemen?
This is Control, this is Control All trains hear this, all trains hear this All trains to racing mode, all trains to racing mode Tonight is race night, tonight is race night All change All change All change
Think of me think of me fondly when we've said goodbye Remember me once in a while Please promise me you'll try When you find that once again you long To take your heart back and be free If you ever find a moment spare a thought for me
We never said our love was evergreen or as unchanging as the sea But if you can still remember stop and think of me Think of all the things we've shared and seen Don't think about the things which might have been Think of me think of me waking silent and resigned Imagine me trying too hard to put you from my mind Recall those days look back on all those times Think of the things we'll never do There will never be a day when I won't think of you
Can it be Can it be Christine Bravo Long ago it seems so long ago How young and innocent we were She may not remember me but I remember Flowers fade the fruit of summer fade They have the season so do we But please promise me that sometimes you will think
[Christine] In sleep he sang to me In dreams he came That voice which calls to me And speaks my name And do I dream again? For now I find The phantom of the opera is there Inside my mind [Phantom] Sing once again with me Our strange duet My power over you Grows stronger yet And though you turn from me To glance behind The phantom of the opera is there Inside your mind [Christine] Those who have seen your face Draw back in fear I am the mask you wear [Phantom] It's me they hear [Both] My/Your spirit and my/your voice In one combined The phantom of the opera is there Inside my/your mind [Chorus] Beware The phantom of the opera [Christine] He's there The phantom of the opera [Phantom] Sing, my angel of music Sing, my angel ! Sing for me !
Night-time sharpens, heightens each sensation . . . Darkness stirs and wakes imagination . . . Silently the senses abandon their defences . . .
Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendour . . . Grasp it, sense it - tremulous and tender . . . Turn your face away from the garish light of day, turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light - and listen to the music of the night . . .
Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams! Purge your thoughts of the life you knew before! Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar! And you'll live as you've never lived before . . .
Softly, deftly, music shall surround you . . . Feel it, hear it, closing in around you . . . Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind, in this darkness which you know you cannot fight - the darkness of the music of the night . . .
Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world! Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before! Let your soul Take you where you long to be ! Only then can you belong to me . . .
Floating, falling, sweet intoxication! Touch me, trust me savour each sensation! Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in to the power of the music that I write - the power of the music of the night . . .
You alone can make my song take flight - help me make the music of the night . . . 0.
BACKSTAGE (BUQUET mysteriously appears, a length of fabric serving as a cloak, and a piece of rope as the Punjab lasso. He is showing off to the BALLET GIRLS) BUQUET Like yellow parchment is his skin . . . a great black hole served as the nose that never grew . . . (Demonstrating his method of self-defence against the Punjab lasso, he inserts his hand between his neck and the noose, and then pulls the rope taut. With a mixture of horror and delight, the BALLET GIRLS applaud this demonstration) (explaining to them) You must be always on your guard, or he will catch you with his magical lasso! (A trap opens up centre stage casting a shadow of the PHANTOM as he emerges. The GIRLS, linking hands, run off terrified. The PHANTOM, leading CHRISTINE, fixes his stare on BUQUET. Sweeping his cape around CHRISTINE, he exits with her But before they go GIRY has entered, observing. She turns on BUQUET) GIRY Those who speak of what they know find, too late, that prudent silence is wise. Joseph Buquet, hold your tongue he will burn you with the heat of his eyes . .
"Mystery after gala night," if says, "Mystery of soprano's flight!" "Mystified baffled Surete say, we are mystified - we suspect foul play!" (He lowers the paper) Bad news on
soprano scene - first Carlotta, now Christine! Still, at least the seats get sold gossip's worth
its weight in gold . . . What a way to run a business! Spare me these unending trials! Half your cast disappears, but the crowd still cheers! Opera! To hell with Gluck and Handel - It's a scandal that'll pack 'em in the aisles! (ANDRE bursts in, in a temper)
Damnable! Will they all walk out? This is damnable!
Andre, please don't shout . . .It's publicity! And the take is vast! Free publicity!
But we have no cast . . .
But Andre, have you seen the queue? (He has been sorting mail on his desk. Finding the two letters from the PHANTOM): Oh, it seems you've got one too . . . (He hands the letter to ANDRE, who opens it and reads)
"Dear Andre what a charming gala! Christine enjoyed a great success! We were hardly bereft when Carlotta left - otherwise the chorus was entrancing, but the dancing was a lamentable mess!"
"Dear Firmin, just a brief reminder: my salary has not been paid. Send it care of the ghost, by return of post P.T.O.: No-one likes a debtor, so it's better if my orders are obeyed!"
Who would have the gall to send this? Someone with a puerile brain!
These are both signed "O.G." . . .
Who the hell is he? BOTH (immediately realizing) Opera ghost!
It's really not amusing!
He's abusing our position!
In addition he wants money!
He's a funny sort of spectre . . .
. . . to expect a large retainer! Nothing plainer - he is clearly quite insane! (They are interrupted by the arrival of RAOUL, who brandishes another of the PHANTOM'S notes)
Where is she?
You mean Carlotta?
I mean Miss Daae - where is she?
Well, how should we know?
I want an answer - I take it that you sent me this note?
What's all this nonsense?
Of course not!
Don't look at us!
She's not with you, then?
Of course not!
We're in the dark . . .
Monsieur, don't argue - Isn't this the letter you wrote?
And what is it, that we're meant to have wrote? (Realizing his mistake) Written ! (RAOUL hands the note to ANDRE, who reads it)
"Do not fear for Miss Daae. The Angel of Music has her under his wing. Make no attempt to see her again." (The MANAGERS look mystified)
If you didn't write it, who did? (CARLOTTA bursts in. She too has a letter, which has cheered her no more than the others)
Where is he?
Ah, welcome back!
Your precious patron - where is he?
What is it now?
I have your letter - a letter which I rather resent!
And did you send it?
Of course not!
As if he would!
You didn't send it?
Of course not!
What's going on . . .?
You dare to tell me, that this is not the letter you sent ? !
And what is it that I'm meant to have sent? (RAOUL takes the letter and reads it) "Your days at the Opera Populaire are numbered. Christine Daae will be singing on your behalf tonight. Be prepared for a great misfortune, should you attempt to take her place." (The MANAGERS are beginning lo tire of the intrigue)
Far too many notes for my taste - and most of them about Christine! All we've heard since we came is Miss Daae's name . . . (GIRY suddenly appears, accompanied by MEG)
GIRY Miss Daae has returned.
FIRMIN (drily) I trust her midnight oil is well and truly burned.
ANDRE Where precisely is she now?
GIRY I thought it best that she went home . . .
MEG She needed rest.
RAOUL May I see her?
GIRY No, monsieur, she will see no-one.
CARLOTTA Will she sing? Will she sing?
GIRY Here, I have a note . . .
FIRMIN (snatching it) Please!
(Opens the letter and reads. The PHANTOM'S voice gradually lakes over) "Gentlemen, I have now sent you several notes of the most amiable nature, detailing how my theatre is to be run. You have not followed my instructions. I shall give you one last chance . . ." PHANTOM'S VOICE (taking over) Christine Daae has returned to you, and I am anxious her career should progress. In the new production of "Il Muto", you will therefore cast Carlotta as the Pageboy, and put Miss Daae in the role of Countess. The role which Miss Daae plays calls for charm and appeal. The role of the Pageboy is silent - which makes my casting, in a word ideal. I shall watch the performance from my normal seat in Box Five, which will be kept empty for me. Should these commands be ignored, a disaster beyond your imagination will occur.
FIRMIN (taking over) "I remain, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, O.G."
CARLOTTA Christine!
ANDRE Whatever next . . .?
CARLOTTA It's all a ploy to help Christine!
FIRMIN This is insane . . .
CARLOTTA I know who sent this: (pointing an accusing finger) The Vicomte - her lover!
RAOUL (ironical) Indeed? (to the OTHERS) Can you believe this?
ANDRE (to CARLOTTA, in protest) Signora!
CARLOTTA (half to the MANAGERS, half to herself) O traditori!
FIRMIN (to CARLOTTA) This is a joke!
ANDRE This changes nothing!
CARLOTTA O mentitori!
FIRMIN Signora!
ANDRE You are our star!
FIRMIN And always will be!
ANDRE Signora . . .
FIRMIN The man is mad!
ANDRE We don't take orders!
FIRMIN (announcing it to EVERYONE) Miss Daae will be playing the Pageboy - the silent role . . .
ANDRE/FIRMIN Carlotta will be playing the lead!
CARLOTTA (waxing melodramatic) It's useless trying to appease me! You're only saying this to please me! Signori, e vero? Non, non, non voglio udire ! Lasciatemi morire! O padre mio! Dio!
GIRY Who scorn his word, beware to those . . .
CARLOTTA (to MANAGERS) You have reviled me!
GIRY The angel sees, the angel knows . . .
RAOUL Why did Christine fly from my arms . . .?
CARLOTTA You have rebuked me!
ANDRE/FIRMIN Signora, pardon us . . .
CARLOTTA You have replaced me!
ANDRE/FIRMIN Please, Signora, we beseech you . . .
GIRY This hour shall see your darkest fears . . .
MEG/RAOUL I must see her . . .
CARLOTTA Abbandonata! Deseredata! O, sventurata!
GIRY The angel knows, the angel hears . . .
RAOUL Where did she go . . .?
CARLOTTA Abbandonata! Disgraziata!
ANDRE/FIRMIN Signora, sing for us! Don't be a martyr . . .
RAOUL/GIRY/MEG What new surprises lie in store . . .?
ANDRE/FIRMIN Our star . . .!
CARLOTTA Non vo' cantar! (ALL look at CARLOTTA, as the MANAGERS approach her lovingly
ANDR' Your public needs you!
FIRMIN We need you, too!
CARLOTTA Would you not rather have your precious little ingenue?
ANDR'/FIRMIN Signora, no! The world wants you!
ANDR'/FIRMIN Prima donna, first lady of the stage! Your devotees are on their knees to implore you!
ANDR' Can you bow out when they're shouting your name?
FIRMIN Think of how they all adore you!
BOTH Prima donna, enchant us once again!
ANDR' Think of your muse...
FIRMIN And of the queues round the theatre!
BOTH Can you deny us the triumph in store? Sing, prima donna, once more!
RAOUL Christine spoke of an angel...
CARLOTTA Prima donna, your song shall live again!
ANDR'/FIRMIN Think of your public!
CARLOTTA You took a snub,
but there's a public who needs you!
GIRY She has heard the voice of the angel of music...
ANDR'/FIRMIN Those who hear your voice liken you to an angel!
CARLOTTA Think of their cry of undying support!
RAOUL Is this her angel of music...?
ANDR' We get our opera...
FIRMIN She gets her limelight!
CARLOTTA Follow where the limelight leads you!
MEG Is this ghost an angel or madman...?
RAOUL *Angel or madman...?
ANDR'/FIRMIN Leading ladies are a trial!
CARLOTTA Prima donna, your song shall never die!
MEG Voice of hell, or of heaven...?
GIRY Heaven help you, those who doubt...
CARLOTTA You'll sing again, and to an unending ovation!
RAOUL Orders! Warnings! Lunatic demands!
GIRY This miscasting will invite damnation...
ANDR'/FIRMIN Tears...oaths... lunatic demands are regular occurrences!
MEG Bliss or damnation?
Which has claimed her...?
CARLOTTA Think how you'll shine in that final encore! Sing, prima donna, once more!
GIRY Oh fools, to have flouted his warnings!
RAOUL Surely, for her sake...
MEG Surely, he'll strike back...
ANDR'/FIRMIN Surely, there'll be further scenes -
worse than this!
GIRY Think, before these demands are rejected!
RAOUL ...I must see these demands are rejected!
MEG ...if his threats and demands are rejected!
ANDR'/FIRMIN Who'd believe a diva happy to relieve a chorus girl, who's gone and slept with the patron? Raoul and the soubrette, entwined in love's duet! Although he may demur, he must have been with her!
MEG/RAOUL Christine must be protected!
CARLOTTA O, fortunata! Non ancor
ANDR'/FIRMIN You'd never get away with all this in a play, but if it's loudly sung and in a foreign tongue, it's just the sort of story audiences adore, in fact a perfect opera!
RAOUL His game is over!
GIRY This is a game you cannot hope to win!
RAOUL And in Box Five a new game will begin...
GIRY For, if his curse is on this opera...
MEG But if his curse
is on this opera...
ANDR'/FIRMIN Prima donna, the world is at your feet! A nation waits, and how it hates to be cheated!
CARLOTTA The stress that falls upon a famous prima donna! Terrible diseases, coughs and colds and sneezes!
Still, the driest throat will reach the highest note, in search of perfect opera!
MEG/GIRY ...then I fear the outcome...
RAOUL Christine plays the Pageboy, Carlotta plays the Countess...
GIRY ...should you dare to...
MEG ...when you once again...
ALL Light up the stage with that age-old rapport! Sing, prima donna, once more!
PHANTOM (spoken) So, it is to be war between us! If these demands are not met, a disaster beyond your imagination will occur!
Gentlemen, if you would care to take your seats? I shall be sitting in Box Five Do you really think that's wise, monsieur? My dear Andre, there would apeear to be no seats available, other than Box Five...
Serafimo - away with this pretence! You cannot speak, but kiss me in my husband's absence! Poor fool, he makes me laugh! Haha, Haha! etc Time I tried to get a better better half! Poor fool, he doesn't know! Hoho, Hoho! etc If he knew the truth, he'd never, ever go!
Did I not instruct that Box Five was to be kept empty? It's him... I know it... it's him... Your part is silent, little toad! A toad, madame? Perhaps it is you who are the toad...
Serafimo, away with this pretence! You cannot speak, but kiss me in my croak! Poor fool, he makes me laugh - Hahahahaha! Croak, croak, croak Croak, croak, croak, etc
Behold! She is singing to bring down the chandelier!
Ladies and gentlemen The performance will continue in ten minutes' time... When the role of the Countess will be sung by Miss Christine Daae In the meantime, ladies and gentlemen We shall be giving you the ballet from Act Three of tonight's opera Maestro - the ballet - now!
No more talk of darkness, forget these wide-eyed fears. I'm here, nothing can harm you, my words will warm and calm you. Let me be your freedom, let daylight dry your tears. I'm here, with you, deside you, to guard you and to guide you.
Say you love me every waking moment, turn my head with talk of summertime. Say you need me with you now and always, promise me that all you say is true, that's all I ask of you.
Let me be your shelter, let me be your light you're safe, no one will find you, your fears are far behind you.
All I want in freedom, a world with no more night, and you, always beside me, to hold me and to hide me.
Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime, let me lead you from your solitude. Say you need me with you, here beside you, anywhere you go, let me go too, Christine, that's all I ask of you
Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime. Say the word and I will follow you.
Share each day with me, each night, each morning.
Say you love me!
You know I do.
Love me, that's all I ask of you.
Anywhere you go, let me go too, Love me, that's all I ask of you.
PHANTOM I gave you my music . . . made your song take wing . . . and now, how you've repaid me: denied me and betrayed me . . . He was bound to love you when he heard you sing . . .
Christine ... Christine ...
RAOUL/CHRISTINE (offstage) Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime . . . say the word and I will follow you . . .
Share each day with me, each night, each morning . . .
PHANTOM You will curse the day you did not do all that the Phantom asked of you . . .!
(As the roof of the opera house disappears, the opera curtain closes and the PRINCIPALS in 'Il Muto' appear through it for their bows, CHRISTINE conspicuously dressed in CARLOTTA'S costume. simultaneously, we hear the maniacal laughter of the PHANTOM and see him high above the stage, perilously rocking the chandelier. The lights of the chandelier begin flickering and, at a great cry from him, it descends, swinging more and more madly over the orchestra pit)
[Firmin] Quite a night! I'm impressed! Well, one does one's best . . .
[Andre/Firmin] (making a toast) Here's to us!
[Firmin] I must say, all the same, that it's a shame that 'Phantom' fellow isn't here!
(The guests are arriving to join the party. </P><P>Some of them bring some musical instruments - </P><P>a monkey music box, a triangle, a drum, etc.) [Chorus] Masquerade! Paper faces on parade Masquerade! Hide your face, so the world will never find you! Masquerade! Every face a different shade Masquerade! Look around - there's another mask behind you
Flash of mauve Splash of puce Fool and king Ghoul and goose Green and black Queen and priest Trace of rouge Face of beast
Faces, take your turn, take a ride on the merry-go-round in an inhuman race
Eye of gold Thigh of blue True is false Who is who Curl of lip Swirl of gown Ace of hearts Face of clown
Faces, drink it in, drink it up, till you've drowned in the light, in the sound
[Raoul/Christine] But who can name the face
[All] Masquerade! Grinning yellows, spinning reds Masquerade! Take your fill - let the spectacle astound you
Masquerade! Burning glances, turning heads Masquerade! Stop and stare at the sea of smiles around you
Masquerade! Seething shadows breathing lies Masquerade! You can fool any friend who ever knew you
Masquerade! Leering satyrs, peering eyes Masquerade! Run and hide - but a face will still pursue you
(Andre, Firmin, Meg Giry, Piangi, and Carlotta come to the fore)
[Giry] What a night
[Meg] What a crowd!
[Andre] Makes you glad!
[Firmin] Makes you proud! All the creme de la creme!
[Carlotta] Watching us watching them!
[Meg/Giry] And all our fears are in the past!
[Andre] Six months
[Piangi] Of relief!
[Carlotta] Of delight!
[Andre/Firmin] Of Elysian peace!
[Meg/Giry] And we can breathe at last!
[Carlotta] No more notes!
[Piangi] No more ghost!
[Giry] Here's a health!
[Andre] Here's a toast: to a prosperous year!
[Firmin] To the new chandelier!
[Piangi/Carlotta] And may its splendour never fade!
[Firmin] Six months!
[Giry] What a joy!
[Meg] What a change!
[Firmin/Andre] What a blessed release!
[Andre] And what a masquerade!
(Christine and Raoul join them. </P><P>Christine is proud of her engagement ring from </P><P>Raoul that is attached on her necklace) [Christine] Think of it! A secret engagement! Look - your future bride! Just think of it! [Raoul] But why is it secret? What have we to hide?
[Christine] Please, let's not fight
[Raoul] Christine, you're free!
[Christine] Wait till the time is right
[Raoul] When will that be? It's an engagement, not a crime! Christine, What are you afraid of?
[Christine] Let's not argue
[Raoul] Let's not argue
[Christine] Please pretend
[Raoul] I can only hope I'll . . .
[Christine] You will . . .
[Both] . . . understand in time
(It is dance time now. In her panicky situation, </P><P>Christine sees Phantom's face in every male she dances with. </P><P>Raoul at last catches her.) [All] Masquerade! Paper faces on parade! Masquerade! Hide your face, so the world will never find you! Masquerade! Every face a different shade! Masquerade! Look around - There's another mask behind you!
Masquerade! Burning glances, turning heads Masquerade! Stop and stare at the sea of smiles around you!
Masquerade! Grinning yellows, spinning reds Masquerade! Take your fill - let the spectacle astound you! </P>
In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came That voice which calls to me and speaks my name...
Little Lotte thought of everything and nothing Her Father promised her that he would send her the Angel of Music Her father promised her… Her father promised her...
You were once my one companion . . . you were all that mattered . . . You were once a friend and father - then my world was shattered . . .
Wishing you were somehow here again . . . wishing you were somehow near . . . Sometimes it seemed if I just dreamed, somehow you would be here . . .
Wishing I could hear your voice again . . . knowing that I never would . . . Dreaming of you won't help me to do all that you dreamed I could . . .
Passing bells and sculpted angels, cold and monumental, seem, for you, the wrong companions - you were warm and gentle . . .
Too many years fighting back tears . . . Why can't the past just die . . .?
Wishing you were somehow here again . . . knowing we must say goodbye . . . Try to forgive . . . teach me to live . . . give me the strength to try . . .
No more memories, no more silent tears . . . No more gazing across the wasted years . . . Help me say goodbye.
Phantom: Wandering child, So lost, so helpless Yearning for my guidance
Christine: Angel or father? Friend or phantom? Who is it there, staring?
Phantom: Have you forgotten your Angel?
Christine: Angel, oh, speak What endless longings Echo in this whisper!
Phantom: Too long you've wandered in winter Far from my fathering gaze...
Christine: Wildly my mind beats against you...
Phantom: You resist....
Phantom/Christine: Yet your/the soul obeys...
Phantom/Christine: Angel of Music, You/I denied me/you! Turning from true beauty! Angel of Music! Do not shun me/My protecter! Come to your/me strange Angel...
Phantom: I am your Angel of Music... Come to me; Angel of Music....
Raoul(spoken): No, Christine, wait! Wait!
Christine(spoken): Raoul!
Raoul(spoken): Whatever you may(Draws sword) believe, this man - this thing - is not your father!
(The Phantom Jumps out and swings his sword. Raoul and Erik the Phantom sword fight. Erik the Phantom stabs Raoul in the arm. Raoul happens to pin Erik the Phantom down. Before Raoul can stab him, Christine stops him)
Christine: No, Raoul! No. Not like this.
(They look at Erik the Phantom for a minute. Raoul puts away his sword, they get on his horse and ride off)
Phantom(Spoken, angrily) Now, let it be war upon you both.
(The Phantom Jumps out with a sword. He kicks Raoul over. Raoul Jumps up with his sword)
Phantom: (Still fighting) Bravo, Monsieur! You've figured out my secret! Such spirited words! (Swings sword at Raoul) Raoul: (Grunts) Phantom: Let's see, Monsieur, how fare you dare go! (Another swing) (They sword fight)
(Raoul Jumps away and falls over)
(The Phantom Jumps at Raoul as he's still down)
(Raoul Jumps up and begins to sword fight)
(They fight all around the graveyard)
Raoul: Stay back! Phantom: That's right, that's right, Monsieur! Keep fighting this way! (Two more swings) Raoul: You can't win her love by making her your prisoner! Leave her alone! Phantom: I'm here, I'm here, Monsieur: The Angel of Death! C'mon, c'mon, Monsieur, don't stop! Don't stop! Keep fighting! Swing at me, Monsieur!
(They get their swords caught together in something. Erik the Phantom pushes Raoul away to break them)
(The Phantom happens to stab Raoul in the arm)
(Raoul falls to the ground)
(The Phantom Jumps on Raoul and tries to Jamb his sword into Raoul. Roul holds the sword up. The Phantom happens to cut down RAOUL's chest a bit)
Raoul: (Groans in pain)
PHANTOM: And now, Monsieur! You shall die.
(Raoul continues to hold the sword up with one hand. He reaches his arm out for his sword and finally grabs hold of it and swipes the Phantom off him)
RAOUL: Now we end this!
(They continue to sword fight) (Raoul knocks the Phantom back to the ground, kicks his sword away and is about to stab him)
No, Raoul...(Raoul looks at Christine) no! Not like this. (Raoul looks at the Phantom one last time)
(Raoul puts his sword away then Raoul lifts Christine onto his horse. The Phantom gets up)
Phantom: DON'T GO!
(Raoul and Christine exit. As they are exiting, the PHANTOM declaims in fury)
(He has been foiled again):
PHANTOM: Now let it be war upon you both!
(At a gesture from the PHANTOM, there is a flash of lighting and the stage erupts into flame)
Raoul: We have all been blind And yet the answer is staring us in the face This could be the chance To ensnare our clever friend
Andre: We're listening...
Firmin: Go on.
Raoul: We shall play his game Perform his work, but remember we hold the ace For if Miss Daae sings He is certain to attend
Andre: We are certain the doors are barred
Firmin: We are certain the police are there
Raoul: We are certain they're armed
Raoul/Andre/Firmin: The curtain falls His reign will end!
Christine(spoken): Raoul, I'm frightened... Don't make me do this It scares me, Don't put me through this ordeal by fire. He'll take me, I know We'll be parted forever... He won't let me go.
What I once used to dream, I now dread. If he finds me, it won't ever end.
(sung)And he'll always be there, singing songs in my head... He'll always be there, singing songs in my head...
Raoul: You said yourself, He was nothing but a man... Yet while he lives, He will haunt us 'til we're dead.
Christine: Twisted every way What answer can I give? Am I to risk my life To win the chance to live? Can I betray the man Who once inspired my voice? Do I become his prey? Do I have any choice?
He kills without a thought He murders all that's good I know I can't refuse... And yet, I wish I could Oh God, if I agree What horrors wait for me In this, the Phantom's opera
Raoul: Christine, Christine Don't think that I don't care But every hope, and every prayer rests on you now
Phantom: Seal my fate tonight I hate to have to cut the fun short But the joke's wearing thin Let the audience in Let my opera begin!
CHORUS: Here the sire may serve the dam, here the master takes his meat! here the sacrifical lamb utters one dispairing bleat.
CARLOTTA AND CHORUS poor young maiden! for the thrill on your tongue of stolen sweets, you will have to pay the bill- tangled in the winding sheets! serve the meal and serve the maid! serve the master so that, when tables, plans and maids are laid Don Juan triumphs once again!
DON JUAN (PIANGI) Passarino faithful friend, once again recite the plan
PASSARINO your young guest believes I'm you- I, the master, you the man,
DON JUAN(PIANGI) when you met, you wore my cloak, she could not have seen your face. she believes she dines with me in her master's borrowed place! Furtively, we'll scoff and quaff, stealing what in truth is mine. when it's late and modesty starts to mellow with the wine.
PASSARINO you come home! I use your voice- slam the door like crack of doom!
DON JUAN (PIANGI) i shall say, "come hide with me! where oh where? of course my room"
PASSARINO poor thing hasn't got a chance
DON JUAN(PIANGI) here's my hat, my cloak and sword. comquest is assured, if i do not forget myself and laugh *laughs*
AMINTA(CHRISTINE) "...no thoughts within her head but thoughts of joy. no dreams within her heart, but dreams of love."
DON JUAN(PHANTOM) (spoken-ish)passarino- go away! for the trap is set and waits for his prey You have come here In pursuit of your deepest urge In pursuit of that wish which till now Has been (suddenly gets soft)silent Silent. (suddenly loud)I have brought you That our passions may fuse and merge In your mind you've already succumbed to me, dropped all defenses Completely succumbed to me Now you are here with me No second thoughts (softer)You've decided Decided.
DON JUAN (PHANTOM) You have come here in pursuit of your deepest urge, in pursuit of that wish, which till now has been silent, silent . . .
I have brought you, that our passions may fuse and merge - in your mind you've already succumbed to me dropped all defences completely succumbed to me - now you are here with me: no second thoughts, you've decided, decided . . .
Past the point of no return - no backward glances: our games of make believe are at an end . . .
Past all thought of "if" or "when" - no use resisting: abandon thought, and let the dream descend . . .
What raging fire shall flood the soul? What rich desire unlocks its door? What sweet seduction lies before us . . .?
Past the point of no return, the final threshold - what warm, unspoken secrets will we learn? Beyond the point of no return . . .
AMINTA (CHRISTINE) You have brought me to that moment where words run dry, to that moment where speech disappears into silence, silence . . .
I have come here, hardly knowing the reason why . . . In my mind, I've already imagined our bodies entwining defenceless and silent - and now I am here with you: no second thoughts,
I've decided, decided . . .
Past the point of no return - no going back now: our passion-play has now, at last, begun . . . Past all thought of right or wrong - one final question: how long should we two wait, before we're one . . .?
When will the blood begin to race the sleeping bud burst into bloom? When will the flames, at last, consume us . . .?
BOTH Past the point of no return the final threshold - the bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn . . . We've passed the point of no return . . .
Child of the wilderness, Born into emptiness, Learn to be lonely, Learn to find your way in darkness.
Who will be there for you, Comfort and care for you? Learn to be lonely, Learn to be your one companion.
Never dream that out in the world there are arms to hold you. You've always known: Your heart was on it's own. So laugh in your lonelyness, Child of the wilderness. Learn to be lonely, Learn how to love life that is lived alone,
Learn to be lonely. Life can be lived, life can be loved alone