See the sky about to rain broken clouds and rain Locomotive, pull the train whistle blowing through my brain Signals curling on an open plain rolling down the track again See the sky about to rain
Some are bound for happiness some are bound to glory Some are bound to live with less who can tell your story See the sky about to rain broken clouds and rain Locomotive, pull the train whistle blowin' through my brain Signals curlin' on an open plain rollin' down the track again See the sky about to rain
I was down in Dixie Land played a silver fiddle Played it loud and then the man broke it down the middle See the sky about to rain
See the sky about to rain See the sky about to rain
Rap) Come on everybody, clap your hands Ar ya lookin' good I'm gonna sing my song And it won't take long We're gonna do the twist, and it goes like this
Come on, let's twist again, like we did last summer Yeah, let's twist again, like we did last year Do you remember when, things were really humming Yeah, let's twist again, twisting time is here
Ee a round and a round and a up and down we go again Oh, baby make me know you love me so and then Twist again, like we did last summer Come on, let's twist again Like we did last year, twist
Rap) Who's that flying up there Is it a bird, no. Is it a plane, no. Is it the twister, yeah
Yeah, twist again, like we did last summer Come on, let's twist again, like we twist last year Do you remember when, things were really humming Come on, let's twist again, twisting time is here
Ee a round and a round and a up and down we go again Oh, baby make me know you love me so and then Come on, twist again, like we did last summer Girl, let's twist again Like we did last year Come on, twist again Twisting time is here, Bop Bop
Score Mixer 박찬민 / 전수민 (Music Flow Studio) Recording Engineer 전수민 (Music Flow Studio) / 최남진 (예음 Studio) Recorded at Music Flow Studio / 예음 Studio Mastering Engineer 곽석원 (Seoul Studio)
Design 이선주 (Stomp Music)
음악감독의 변 시간이 흐를수록 많은 것들이 바쁘게 변해갑니다. 나는 변해가는 것에 맞춰 살아가려고 너무도 발버둥쳐왔던 것 같습니다. <마파도>를 통해 조금이나마 내게 순수함을 되찾기위한 노력을 해봅니다.
Special Thanks to <마파도>의 추창민감독님, 이서열대표님, 김성진프로듀서님 외 코리아엔터테인먼트 식구들, 현장에서 항상 챙겨주시고 내 이야기를 경청해주신 이상준기사님, 영광에서 모기들과 싸우며 고생하신 모든 현장 Staff분들, 가족같은 M&F의 조성우대표님외 모든 직원분들, 스톰프뮤직 식구들, 좋은 곡들을 사용할 수 있도록 도와주신 선배 작사, 작곡가님들, 언제나 저를 '살려주시는' 함춘호大선배님, 박용준大선배님, 항상 든든한 후원자 OST BOX의 김관희님
Very Special Thanks to 항상 따끔한 지적을 해주시는 스승님이신 이판근 선생님, 부족한 나의 부분들을 너무도 훌륭하게 채워준 자랑스러운, 그리고 많은 고생을 한 M&F 음악스텝여러분, 사랑하는 나의 모든 가족분들; 아버지, 어머니, 대용형, 성연누나, 재권형, 수연누나, 그리고 사랑스런 조카들, 광주 아버님, 어머님, 진우, 선우. 끝으로 힘들 때마다 항상 의지가 되어준 사랑하는 세린이.