백인 보이 밴드의 원조 New Kids On The Block의 모든 것을 담아낸 세계 유일의 베스트 앨범. 한국에서 최초 발매!
지금으로부터 10년 전인 지난 1994년 2월, 뉴 키즈 온 더 블록(이하 NKOTB)의 4집 앨범 “Face The Music”이 발매되었다. 정규 앨범으로는 1990년의 “Step By Step” 이후 4년이라는 오랜 시간이 흐른 뒤에 발매된 이 음반은, 1980년대 후반부터 1990년대 초까지 엄청난 파괴력을 발휘하며 전 세계 소녀 팬들의 마음을 설레게 만들었던 다섯 청년 NKOTB가, 그들의 대부로 군림했던 스타 메이커 모리스 스타와 결별하며 그룹 이름을 뉴 키즈 온 더 블록(New Kids On The Block)에서 NKOTB로 바꾸고 내놓은 첫 작품인 동시에 유작이기도 했다. 이 앨범의 발매와 함께 이들은 공언했던 대로 그룹 해체를 공식적으로 발표해 버려 그들의 일거수 일투족에 일희일비하던 열혈 팬들에게 슬픔을 안겨주고 말았다. NKOTB가 역사 속으로 사라진지 꼭 10년. 그 사이 팝 음악계에는 많은 변화가 있었다. 공교롭게도 NKOTB의 융성기에 함께 세상을 뒤흔들었던 얼터너티브 록의 화염은 NKOTB의 마지막 앨범 “Face The Music”이 나온 직후, 커트 코베인의 자살과 함께 빛을 잃어버리고 말았다. 이들이 사라진 뒤 팝 음악계에는 백스트리트 보이스와 엔 싱크를 주축으로 하는 보이 밴드의 돌풍이 몰아쳤고, 브리트니 스피어스와 크리스티나 아길레라로 대표되는 여성 틴 아이들 스타 붐이 일었다. 라틴 팝과 하드코어의 열풍이 휩쓸고 가기도 했고, 현재는 힙 합과 R&B로 대표되는 흑인 음악이 팝 차트를 도배하다시피 하고 있다. 돌이켜 보면 흐름을 타는 팝 음악계에서 특정한 트렌드가 오랜 기간 지속되기는 힘든 것이 사실이다. 하지만 주류 시장에서의 비중 여하에 관계없이 보이 밴드가 하나의 뚜렷한 트렌드를 형성해온 것은 분명한 사실이다. 팝 시장에서 커다란 비중을 차지하는 10대들, 특히 소녀 팬들이 열광할 만한 대상은 항상 필요하기 때문이다. 그리고 이런 보이 밴드들의 계보에서 NKOTB는 원조격으로 대접받아 마땅한, 커다란 그림자를 드리우고 있는 것이 사실이다. 해체 후 한참이 지나 솔로 앨범을 낸 조이 매킨타이어(NKOTB 시절에는 Joe McIntyre)나 조단 나이트가 상업적으로 볼 때 NKOTB 시절의 인기에 못 미치는 반응을 얻은 것은(물론 음악성으로 볼 때 이들이 낸 음반이 수준이 떨어지는 것은 아니었다), 거꾸로 얘기하면 다섯 멤버의 총합인 NKOTB가 지닌 매력이 워낙 컸기 때문이라고 할 수 있지 않을까? 팬들은 NKOTB의 1/5이 아닌, NKOTB 그 자체를 원하는 것이라고 말이다.
Brief History Of the New Kids On The Block
‘백인 남성 5인조’라는, 보이 밴드의 트렌드를 정착시킨 미국 매사추세츠주 출신 NKOTB를 얘기할 때 빼놓을 수 없는 이름이 바로 모리스 스타(Maurice Starr)라는 프로듀서 겸 작곡가다. NKOTB가 트렌드를 형성했다는 것은 단순히 춤 잘 추고 노래 좀 하는 ‘잘 생긴 백인 남자 다섯 명’이라는 구성이 아니라, 철저하게 의도적으로 기획된 ‘작품’으로 보이 밴드를 만들어낸다는 것이다. 물론 그 이전에도 기획에 의해 키워진 밴드들이 있긴 했었지만 NKOTB는 훨씬 더 치밀한 계획 아래 만들어진 밴드라고 할 수 있는데 이 기획자가 바로 모리스 스타였다. 모리스 스타는 이미 NKOTB의 등장 2년 전인 1983년에 같은 보스턴 출신의 흑인 소년 다섯 명으로 구성된 아이들(idol) 밴드 뉴 에디션을 데뷔시켜 대성공을 거둔 바 있는데(뛰어난 노래 실력을 갖춘 이 멤버들 중에는 알려진 대로 휘트니 휴스턴의 남편으로 유명한 바비 브라운도 포함되어 있었다) , 그가 음악 시장에서 절대적인 비중을 차지하는 백인들을 겨냥해 구상한 것이 바로 NKOTB였다. 그리고 그의 의도대로 NKOTB는 상업적인 면에서 뉴 에디션를 훨씬 능가하는 성적을 거둬들였다. 1985년, 모리스 스타는 조 매킨타이어(Joe McIntyre;1972), 조단 나이트(Jordan Knight;1970)와 조나단 나이트(Jonathan Knight;1968) 형제, 대니 우드(Danny Wood;1969), 도니 월버그(Donnie Wahlberg;1969) 등 다섯 명의 10대 소년들을 규합한 뒤 조련을 거쳐 이듬해인 1986년 데뷔작 “New Kids On The Block”을 발매한다. 하지만 팝과 랩이 뒤섞인 이 음반은 처음 발매 당시 큰 주목을 얻지는 못했고, 이들이 스타덤에 오르게 되는 것은 2집 “Hangin' Tough”(1988)의 대성공으로 인해서였다. 그 해 여름 싱글 ‘Please Don't Go Girl’이 빌보드 팝 싱글 차트 톱 텐에 진입하며 대박 조짐을 보이더니 ‘You Got It(The Right Stuff)’(3위), 이들의 첫 차트 넘버 원 싱글인 발라드 ‘I'll Be Loving You(Forever)’, 두번째 넘버 원 곡 ‘Hangin' Tough’, ‘Cover Girl(2위)' 등 다섯장의 톱 텐 히트곡이 줄줄이 터져나왔다. 앨범 “Hangin' Tough”, 그리고 싱글 ‘Hangin' Tough’는 빌보드 앨범과 싱글 차트에서 동시에 1위에 오르기도 했다. 미국 내 판매고 800만 장이라는 기록도 대단하지만 앨범 차트에 무려 132주 간이나 머무는 스테디 셀러로 기록되기도 했다. 2집 “Hangin' Tough”의 성공은 데뷔작 “New Kids On The Block”의 재발매로 이어져 이 역시 300만 장(이하 미국 내 판매량 기준)이 넘는 판매고를 기록했고 싱글 커트된 ‘Didn't I Blow Your Mind’도 차트 톱 텐(8위)에 오르게 된다. 크리스마스 앨범 “Merry, Merry Christmas”(1989)에서 ‘This One's For The Children’(7위)을 히트시켰고, 또 다시 앨범 차트 정상을 차지하며 300만 장이 팔린 3집 “Step By Step”(1990)에서는 ‘Step By Step’(1위), ‘Tonight’(7위)이 히트했다. 폭발적인 인기의 여세를 몰아 발매된 히트곡 리믹스 앨범 “No More Games”(1990) 역시 100만 장을 돌파했다. 하지만 하늘 높은 줄 모르고 치솟기만 하던 이들의 인기도 1990년대로 접어들며 고비를 맞게 된다. 가장 큰 이유는 역시 팝 음악계의 달라진 흐름. 록 음악의 상업화에 반기를 든 얼터너티브는 거대한 파장을 일으키며 팝 시장을 집어삼켰다. 게다가 롱런 하기 힘든 보이 밴드의 숙명은 이들의 경우에도 예외는 아니어서 더 이상 밴드 활동을 하는 데는 힘이 부쳐보였다. 물론 불미스런 사고가 터졌던 우리나라의 경우에서도 볼 수 있듯이 여전히 이들을 필요로 하는 소녀 팬들은 존재했지만, 이들은 과감히 4집 “Face The Music”을 끝으로 해체의 길을 택했다.
Reminiscence of NKOTB-Solos and brand new Best Album
대개의 밴드들이 해체와 동시에, 혹은 해체 이전에 멤버들의 솔로 앨범이 발매되는데 비해 뉴 키즈 온 더 블록의 경우는 상당히 예외적인 경우에 속한다. 막내 조 매킨타이어(솔로로는 조이 매킨타이어로 활동)의 솔로 앨범 “Stay The Same”, 그리고 조단 나이트의 앨범 “Jordan Knight”가 발매된 것이 밴드 해체 후 5년이라는 시간이 흐른 1999년의 일이니 말이다. 밴드 시절의 프리미엄을 포기한 채 뒤늦게 앨범을 내놓았지만, 조이 매킨타이어는 그 뒤에도 “Meet Joe Mac”(2001), “8:09”(2004)까지 세 장의 정규 앨범과 라이브 앨범 “One Too Many: Live From New York”(2002)을 내놓으며 상업적인 성공과는 별개로 아티스트로서 성장한 모습을 보여주고 있다. 하지만 데뷔 음반에서 ‘Give It To You’를 히트시키며 조이 매킨타이어에 비해 순조로운 솔로 활동을 시작했던 조단 나이트는 오히려 그 뒤 이렇다 할 활동을보여주지 못했고, NKOTB 시절의히트곡을 솔로로 부른 “Jordan Knight Performs New Kids On The Block-The Remix Album”(2004)을 발매한 것이 눈에 띄는 활동 중 전부이다. 테이크 댓 출신의 로비 윌리엄스, 그리고 엔 싱크의 저스틴 팀버레이크가 혁신적인 이미지 변화를 통해 솔로로 확실한 자리매김을 한 것에 비하면 다소 아쉬운 구석이 있긴 하지만, 그래도 나머지 세 멤버들에 비하면 꾸준한 음악 활동을 펼치고 있는 이들은 이미 성숙한 여인으로 성장해 있는 NKOTB 팬들의 아쉬움을 달래주고 있는 셈이다. 그리고...아직도 NKOTB와 함께 했던 10대 시절을 아름다운 추억으로 간직하고 있을 팬들에게 커다란 선물이 될 수 있을 듯한 음반이 바로 새로 선보이는 이 베스트 앨범이다. 물론 이들의 베스트 앨범은 지난 1999년에 발매되었던 “Greatest Hits” 앨범이 있었지만, 특히 한국 팬들에게 있어 이번 베스트 앨범이 주는 의미는 남다르다 할 수 있다. 그것은 이번 앨범이 한국 팬들을 위해 특별히 선곡된 트랙들로 꾸려진데다 트랙들 역시 팬들의 의견을 반영해 그들이 가장 좋아하는 음악들로 채워졌기 때문이고 앨범 재킷 역시 팬들이 가장 선호하는 이미지로 선택된 것이라 한다. 게다가 이번 앨범에는 NKOTB의 곡들 뿐 아니라 조단 나이트와 조이 매킨타이어의 솔로 히트곡이 담겨 있는가 하면, 도니 월버그가 일본 여가수 마츠다 세이코와 듀엣으로 불렀던 ‘The Right Combination’, 조단 나이트가 아나(Ana)와 함께 불러준 ‘Angel Of Love’ 등 귀한 트랙들도 담겨 있어 더욱 값지다. 팬들의 의사가 적극 반영된 것이 바로 마지막 트랙인 ‘I'll Be Your Everything’. 이 곡은 NKOTB 멤버가 아닌 토미 페이지의 “Paintings In My Mind”(89)에 실렸던 것이지만, 조단 나이트와 대니 우드가 토미 페이지와 함께 곡을 만들고 프로듀싱과 백 보컬에 참여한 곡이라는 의미가 있는 곡이다. 두 장의 CD에 각각 17곡 씩이 실린 이번 앨범의 수록곡들은 이들이 그간 발표한 정규 앨범과 크리스마스 앨범, 리믹스 앨범들에서 골고루 선곡되어 실렸을 뿐 아니라 솔로곡은 물론 다른 아티스트와 함께 작업한 곡까지 실려 있는 등 NKOTB의 모든 것을 담아내고 있는 음반이다. 전매특허였던 펑키한 감각이 살아있는 댄스 곡에서부터 소녀 팬들의 감성을 자극한 감미로운 발라드까지 NKOTB의 진한 체취가 묻어나는 수록곡들은 그들의 열성 팬들에게는 귀중한 소장품이 될 것이 분명하다. 또한 지금 들어도 세련된 감각이 느껴지는 노래들은 엔 싱크와 BSB에 열광하는 지금의 소녀 팬들에게 새로운 경험을 제공해 줄 듯 하다. NKOTB가 90년대를 풍미한 수많은 보이 밴드들의 원조로 불리기에 부족함이 없는, 걸출한 팀이었음을 그들이 남긴 수많은 히트곡이 실린 이 음반이 웅변해주고 있는 것이다. .... ....
I said stop it, girl. look what you’re doing to me It’s just not right. can’t you see? This ain’t the way it’s supposed to be, I should be lovin’ you and you lovin’ me
stop girl, before he breaks your heart
Stop girl, before he breaks your heart I’m the one who loves you, right from the start Stop girl, don’t let him bring you down I’m the one who needs you and I’ll be around
He could never love you like I love you, girl He could never say the things, like I need you in my world Girl, I really love you, but you won’t give me your time You tell me that he loves you so and you can’t make up your mind
Girl, he’s not true Now I know there’s lovin’ for you It’s all not true It’s not true, baby Oooooooh
Stop girl, before he breaks your heart I’m the one who loves you, right from the start Stop girl, don’t let him bring you down I’m the one who needs you and I’ll be around
I guess I’m gonna love you for my whole life long Girl, he’s not the one for you, I can tell you nothing wrong Tell me that you love me, let me take you by the hand Girl, my love is oh so true, try and understand
Girl, it’s so true All of my lovin’ for you It’s all so true It's true, baby Oooooooh
Stop girl, before he breaks your heart I’m the one who loves you, right from the start Stop girl, don’t let him bring you down I’m the one who needs you and I’ll be around
Stop it, girl! Stop it, girl
Stop girl, before he breaks your heart (don’t let him break your heart) I’m the one that loves you, right from the start (right from the start) Stop girl, don’t let him bring you down (don’t let him bring you down) I’m the one that needs you and I’ll be around (I’ll be around) Stop it girl, before he breaks your heart (oh baby)
Don’t let him Don’t let him Don’t let him Bring you down
Stop girl, before he breaks your heart I’m the one who loves you, right from the start Stop girl, don’t let him bring you down I’m the one who needs you and I’ll be around -
Girl I think it's time That I let you know About the way I really feel I just can't wait no more Be my baby Be my girl I wanna be the one That steals your heart away I wanna hold you in my arms And fill you with all my charms be my baby Be my girl
Baby I love it when we're walkin'
Darlin' I love it when we're talkin'
When you touch my hand You brighten up my day No one else can make me feel Girl this special way Be my baby Be my girl
Baby I love it when we're walkin'
Darlin' I love it when we're talkin'
Be my girl Be my girl Be my girl Be my girl Be my girl Be my girl Girl it's for real All this love that I feel Girl I think it's time That I let you know About the way I really feel I just can't wait no more Be my baby Be my girl Won't you be my girl
The right stuff The right stuff First time was a great time Second time was a blast Third time I fell in love Now I hope it lasts I can see it in your walk Tell 'em when you talk See it in everything you do Even in your thoughts
You got the right stuff, baby Love the way you turn me on You got the right stuff, baby You're the reason why I sing this song All that I needed was you Oh girl, you're so right Said all that I wanted was you You made all my dreams come true
Chorus: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh The right stuff Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh The right stuff
Your first kiss was a sweet kiss Second kiss had a twist Third and your fourth kiss I don't want to miss I can see it in your walk Tell 'em when you talk See it in everything you do Even in your thoughts
You got the right stuff, baby Love the way you turn me on You got the right stuff, baby You're the reason why I sing this song All that I needed was you Oh girl, you're so right Said all that I wanted was you You made all.... every one of my dreams come true
Repeat Chorus
The right stuff, girl, yeah baby, yeah You know you got the right stuff And girl, yeah, baby You know, you know you got it, girl
In my life, you're so right You made all.... you know what you did
We've been together for a long time baby Do you have to leave Please don't go girl I just can't live without you Please So listen to me Don't go girl Please don't go girl It would ruin my whole world Tell me you'll stay Never ever go away I love you I guess I always will girl You're my best friend girl You're my love within' I just want you to know that I will always love you
Tell me you'll stay Never ever go away I need you I guess I always will Girl You're my best friend girl You're my love within' I just want you to know that I will always love you Please don't go girl I'm gonna always love you girl I'm gonna love you girl Until the end of time Tell me girl You're gonna always be mine Please don't go girl You would ruin my whole world Tell me you'll stay Never ever go away I love you I guess I always will Girl You're my best friend girl You're my love within' I just want you to know that I will always love you Please don't go girl Please don't go girl Please don't go girl Please don't go girl Please don't go girl Please don't go girl Please don't go girl
I'll Be Loving You (Forever) Yeah I'm not that kind of guy who can take a broken heart So don't ever leave I don't want to see us part The very thought of losing you means That everything Would go down under [Chorus:] I'll be loving you forever Just as long as you want me to be I'll be loving you forever All this love's for you and me, yeah (I'll be loving you) I'll be (I'll be loving you) Loving you (The things you do) Yeah, it's forever (I'll be loving you) I'll be (I'll be loving you) Loving you, yeah I count the blessings that keep our love new There's one for me And a million for you There's just so much that I want to say But when I look at you All my thoughts get in the way [Chorus] We've learned to fall to every turn by now This love will last forever I can see it all now (I'll bd loving you) I'll be (I'll be loving you) Loving you (The things you do) Yeah, it's forever (I'll be loving you) I'll be (I'll be loving you) Loving only you, girl Oh girl I'll be loving only you (I'll be loving you) (I'll be loving you) Be loving you girl
Cover girl I get up in the morning and I see your face girl You're looking so good everything's in place Don't you know I could never leave your side girl Won't you stay here with me and be my bride Don't you know you're my kind you're just what I like Girl you're everything don't you kow you're alright The only girl I've always needed for so long Oh ohoh she's my cover girl Oh ohoh oh ohoh Oh ohoh she's my cover girl Oh ohoh oh ohoh When I look through the pages of a magazine Still your pretty face is the prettiest I've seen Don't you know I only want to be with you No other girl could make me feel the Way you do You're my everything Oh ohoh she's my cover girl Oh ohoh oh ohoh Oh ohoh she's my cover girl Oh ohoh oh ohoh Oh ohoh she's my cover girl Oh ohoh oh ohoh Oh ohoh she's my cover girl Oh ohoh oh ohoh It's alright Oh yeah It's out of sight Let me say it's alright Ah yeah Don't you know I only want to be with you No other girl could make me feel the way you do You're my everything Oh ohoh she's my cover girl Oh ohoh oh ohoh Oh ohoh she's my cover girl Oh ohoh oh ohoh Oh ohoh she's my she's my cover girl Oh yeah yeah cover girl oh yeah cover girl ohohoh ohohohohoh ohohoh cover girl ohohoh ohohohohoh
Girl my heart is in your hands I need you to understand Please swallow your pride I want you to be my guide Girl I love you I want you oh how I care When you need me I'll be there I need you yes I do girl Girl my love is all for you no one else will ever do Please open your heart and let in a brandnew start Girl I love you I want you oh how I care When you need me I'll be there I need you yes I do girl I need you
Girl in me you got to believe I'll be loving you and this you will see I need you yes I do girl I need you yes I do Girl I need you I need you yes I do girl I need you baby you gotta know how much I want you I need you oh so much I love you girl
My favorite girl, ooh, she's my favorite girl, don't you know, my favorite girl, ooh, she's my favorite girl.
You walked into my life, your love was so new, and nothing will ever change my feelings for you, well, you were so far away, now I am close to you, girl, so let us run away, our heart that's waiting will stay.
My favorite girl, ooh, she's my favorite girl, don't you know, my favorite girl, ooh, she's my favorite girl.
There's so much I like in you I can't go on, I wanted a girl like you I've looked so long, girl, nothing will make us wrong, I know our love is too strong, let's leave the rest behind, our dreams ask what we will find.
My favorite girl, ooh, she's my favorite girl, don't you know, my favorite girl, ooh, she's my favorite girl.
My favorite girl, ooh, she's my favorite girl, don't you know, my favorite girl, ooh, she's my favorite girl.
She's my favorite girl, the one I'm always thinking of, that one. My favorite girl, the one I love.
My favorite girl, ooh, she's my favorite girl, don't you know, my favorite girl, ooh, she's my favorite girl.
Step by step, oo baby, gonna get to you, girl 한걸음, 한걸음씩 당신께 다가갈거에요 Step by step, oo baby, really want you in my world 한걸음, 한걸음씩. 내 삶에 당신은 정말 필요해요 Step! hey girl, in your eyes 그대여 그대의 눈 속에서 I see your picture of me all the time 나를 그리고 있다는 것을 볼 수 있지 Step! hey girl, when you smile 당신이 웃을 때마다 you got to know that you drive me wild 날 정말 미치게 한다는 걸 알아줬으면 해 Step by step, oo baby, you're always on my mind 한걸음, 한걸음씩. 당신은 언제나 내 마음 속에 있어 Step by step, oo,girl, 한걸음, 한걸음씩 I really think it's just a matter of time 그건 단지 시간 문제일뿐이죠 Step! hey girl, can't you see 이봐요 모르겠어요 I've got to have you all just for me 나는 오직 나만을 위한 당신을 가져야겠어요 Step! hey girl, yes, it's true 그래요, 이건 진실이지요 no one else will ever do 누구도 대신하지 못할 거에요 Step! Step! Step by step! 한걸음, 한 걸음씩 Step one! We can have lots of fun Step one! 우린 많은 즐거운 일들을 할 수 있어요 Step two! There's so much we can do Step two! 우리가 할 수 있는 일들은 많아요 Step three! It's just you and me Step three! 오직 당신과 나뿐이지요 Step four! I can give you more Step four! 나는 당신께 많은것을 드릴수 있어요 Step five! Don't you know that the time is right. Huh! Step five! 바로 지금이란걸 모르시겠어요 Step by step Don't you know I need you 한걸음, 한걸음씩, 나는 당신이 필요하다는 걸 모르겠어요 Step by step Yes, I do, girl 한걸음, 한걸음씩, 나는 정말 그래요
Remember when wesaid girl please don't go And how I'd be loving you forever Taught you 'bout hangin' toughas long as you got the right stuff Didn't we girls ooh didn't we girls aah Well I guess it's a brandnew day after all Every time we hear the curtain call See the girls with the curls in the hair The buttons and the pins and theloud fanfares Tonight tonight Remember when wetraveled round the world There were a lot of people and girls Fan mail from everywhere showed us how you care Didn't it girls ooh didn't it girls aah Well I guess it's a brandnew day after all Every time we hear the curtain call See the girls with the curls in the hair The buttons and the pins and theloud fanfares Tonight tonight Tonight tonight
La la la la la la tonight La la la la la la tonight
Tonight tonight Tonight tonight Tonight tonight Tonight tonight La la la la la la tonight La la la la la la tonight
I've heard of true loves that lasted forever I guess there is a way And I've heard of true loves that needed each other more and more each day What is love when there's no one that cares Next time you need my love I'll be there be right by your side Let's try it again try it again let's try it again my love for you it has no end Let's try it again till the end all because I love you I've heard of two loves that stayed with each other Didn't wander through the night And I've heard of two loves that prayed for each other Didn't argue fuss or fight Now I know just what love's all about Next time you need my love I won't doubt doubt your love again Let's try it again try it again let's try it again my love for you it has no end Let's try it again till the end all because I love you
try it again my love for you it has no end
I love you let's try it again try it again let's try it again
Happy birthday to you This is your day On this day for you We're gonna love you in every way This is your day, your day Happy birthday to you, to you, to you
Happy birthday to you You're still young Age is just a number Don't you stop having fun This is your day, your day Happy birthday to you, to you,
This day only comes once every year Because you're so wonderful with each and everything you do Hey
Happy birthday to you This is your day On this day for you We're gonna love you in every way This is your day, your day happy birthday to you, to you,
This day is only for you Cause you're so special in every way Happy birthday to you
No more games is about positivity And positivity is not about being soft It's about being smart You sucker Ain't It Funky Yeah we're gonna send this one out To all those non believers out there Who been tryin to put us down and keep us down For the past five years I'm tell you what We ain't goin out like that You think this is a love song Wrong The NKOTB is too strong
Games games games games games Somebody said somebody Wouldn't last too long Somebody keep going strong Somebody said somebody was all a front Somebody still talking junk Think of what you say Think of what you do Think of what you're trying to put us through We're just singing a song When you put us down It ain't gonna get you nowhere We're positive And no matter what you think we really care Games oh ee oh oh oh Games games games games games Somebody said somebody worked too hard Somebody gotta charm some hearts Somebody said everybody's gonna wait and see What's gonna be is gonna be We don't need your games Think of what you say Think of what you do Think of what you're trying to put us through We're just singing a song When you put us down It ain't gonna get you nowhere We're positive And no matter what you think we really care Games oh ee oh oh oh Ain't it funky Games games games games games Games oh ee oh oh oh Games games games games games Games
No more games boy So what ya saying Beat the beatness Cos Donnie ain't playin Witness the quickness As I kick this I'm on a mission So listen as I dismiss All this negativity by takin a stand Cos we're five bad brothers from the bean town land No sell out So get the hell out We do it our way Who gives a damn about what critics say Said we wouldn't last Said our time will pass In just a flash But we're still kicking The DONNIE The WAHL to the BERG That's funky And now the games must cease And to the non believers I say peace Stop playin those games Boy Huhhuh Ahh Yeah Uh huh Uh huh Yeah Whooah Ain't it funky We don't need your games Uh huh We don't need your games Word em up We don't need your games That's right Stop playin those games We don't need your games Word We don't need your games Tell em We don't need your We don't need your Whooahh Stop playin those games
When you gonna stop playing those silly games now Danny D Jordan K Joey Jo John And Donnie D is in the house Dick Scott is in the house M Lou is in the house North side is in the house And my man Maurice Star He's in the house I'd like to give a shout out To Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch Homework The Death Duo Cole and Clavillis Huh The Gold Brothers The Milkbar Mobb And this record right here Was made to show and prove That positivity is not about being soft It's about being smart You Sucker Peace
Girl there's more to love than meets the eye There's more to what I feel inside And if I told you Would you be my girl For you I'd travel 'round the world
Time is on our side You're my one true love girl We've come too far to ever be just friends Time is on our side girl Lat's show the whole world Love is the answer Time is our closest friend
If I sent you flowers Would you wlk away Or would it be enough to make you stay Even though we're young girl One thing's for sure In time our love will endure
Time is on our side You're my one true love girl We've come too far to ever be just friends Time is on our side girl Lat's show the whole world Love is the answer Time is our closest friend
Babe what would you say Time brings us closer everyday
Time is on our side You're my one true love girl We've come too far to ever be just friends Time is on our side girl Lat's show the whole world Love is the answer Time is our closest friend
All I ask was for your hand Love was in demand How was I to understand Then you told me how you feel It was so unreal Guess it's time for me to reveal The way I feel Got a funny feeling That you don't even even love me Got a funny feeling That you don't even even care We assured each other at the start Forever's in our hearts You and I would never part Then you told me how you feel It was so unreal Guess it's time for me to reveal The way I feel Got a funny feeling That you don't even even love me Got a funny feeling That you don't even even care
Got a funny feeling That you don't even even love me Got a funny feeling That you don't even even care You know and I know We fall in love We've got a funny feeling inside Got a funny feeling You know, you love me girl Do you love me girl
Be my Valentine girl ooh There is not a star in the sky That could equalto The sparkle in your eye This part is only one way To let you know just how I feel Will you be my Valentine girl And I'll give you my heart forever Be my Valentine girl And I won't let you go No never All of the flowers I sent Could never takethe place of being there Although we onlyjest met You're everything to me Will you be my Valentine girl And I'll give you my heart forever Be my Valentine girl And I won't let you go No never
You're everything to me Will you be my Valentine girl And I'll give you my heart forever Be my Valentine girl And I won't let you go No never Be my Valentine my Valentine girl girl I need you I need you I want you I want you I want you in myworld Valentine girl Valentine girl
I know I hurt you That's the last thing I meant to do Sometimes I can be careless and blind Can you forgive the fool that I've been You know I love you You're the one thing I have that's true My life used to be nothing to me I never want to feel that again If you go away girl You're taking my heart with you If you go away girl You'll be breaking my heart in two If you only stay girl I promise you the world So please don't ever go away
You know I need you I'm so sorry that I made you cry You are everything good in my life Your tears have finally opened my eyes If you go away girl You're taking my heart with you If you go away girl You'll be breaking my heart in two If you only stay girl I promise you the world So please don't ever go away I was so wrong to ever look at another baby Even the strongest man can stumble and fall I'll do anything for you Anything to be in your arms again Baby don't let this be the end If you go away girl taking my heart with you If you go away girl You'll be breaking my heart in two If you only stay girl I promise you the world So please don't ever
If you go away girl If you only stay girl I promise you the world So please don't ever go away
Never ever leave me girl You promised your love to me forever Say you'll never leave me girl Never ever leave me girl You promised your love to me forever Say you'll never leave me girl Never ever leave me girl You promised your love to me forever Say you'll never leave me girl
You should have treated me right But you left me lonelyand cold at night Said you wanted someone real Treat me better and be for real If you didn't want it you should a let me know But since you didn't want it then girl you got to go You left me sad and lonely and ran away from home So since I'm not your only then go and fetch your bone Dawg dirty dawg Dawg dirty dawg Dawg you're a dirty dirty Dawg dirty dawg Dawg dirty dawg Dawg you're so dirty dirty
I gave you all that I can Till I caught you swingin' with another man But this time you strayed too far Now you come beggin' like the dawg you are If you didn't want it you should a let me know But since you didn't want it then girl you got to go Don't think that you can play me and jerk me all around You used to be my baby now your ass is in the pound Dawg dirty dawg Dawg dirty dawg Dawg you're a dirty dirty Dawg dirty dawg Dawg dirty dawg Dawg you're so damndirty Why you wanna act like a tramp A wet food stamp I think it's time for meto break camp Had a crush on my man the first time we met Now what you see is what you get Lost more than a meal on a gambling bet So here's the Chuckwagon for the dog in you Here's the Kennelration and the Alpo too Now you know I didn'twanna her She tried to back me in a corner Told her blow the horn like little Jack Horner Forever forbidden The fast girls in life The fast cars thely call'em kittens They've been known to amaze But they can't pull one over on me I got game for days Save the sap rap for the handicapped I've been around the block And I don't fall for thetrimmed trap Dawg dirty dawg Dawg dirty dawg Dawg you're a dirty dirty Dawg dirty dawg Dawg dirty dawg Dawg you're so damndirty
Close your eyes Realize It's you and I Take my hand Understand That I'm your man If loving you is right I can't go wrong Girl we've known each other for so long Chemistry between us has grown strong You are the one and only meaning to this song God's gift to man is what you are You make me feel there's no such thing as too far Forever's just enough time to show you girl That I'm not acting like I know I'll never let you go Close your eyes Realize It's you and I I'll never let you go Take my hand Understand That I'm your man I'll never let you Think that I am someone that I'm not You're down for me I'm holding on to what I've got First impressions work I've always found Being with you I know my heart's on solid ground People say we can't I know we can Can't stop it anyway so take my hand Let's make this something special I want this to grow Because of the loyalty you show I'll never let you go Close your eyes Realize It's you and I I'll never let you go Take my hand Understand That I'm your man I'll never let you For too long I've known And far too strong I've grown attached to you Just call me your own Everywhere people breaking up That won't happen to us Because we were friends before lovers
I'll never let you down girl Never gonna let you go Never gonna let you go oh no Never gonna let you go Never gonna let you go Never gonna let you go Never gonna let you go oh no Never gonna let you go Never gonna let you go no Never gonna let you go Never gonna let you go oh no Close your eyes Realize It's you and I It feels good to see your face Come have a seat Sit by the fireplace and I'll massage your shoulders if they hurt I can tell by your eyes a hard day at work God's gift to man Though some might say that We're too young to understand But I've got a firm grip on reality And you and me is right where I wanna be Wrapped in your arms And you in mine A love like this is really hard to find So I won't front and try to play love games I'll always be the same won't a damn thing change You hear me talking Trust what I'm about love and understanding Won't play each other out You got a feeling that I'm doing you low Girl it's not so I'll never let you go
Oh,Baby~ I wanna be with you~ Time after time Everything that I've tried Can't do nothing at all Everywhere I walk, nowhere to turn I was losing my way Crying every day I was givin' up and you walked into my life I never knew anything about love In the world that I know Lovers come and go Nobody anywhere, talk like you do Saying dreams can come true Then you made me feel just like a man should feel Ever since you walked into my life All at once I feel so strong inside Anything you ask for me, I'll do it faithfully Since you walked into my life, into my life Yeah, girl You're the only one for me Oh, girl Oh baby, oh baby Now I've got a reason to live And oh darling, how I love the sweet love you give oh baby And I want to spend my life with you Wanna make your dreams come true Every step you take, I wanna be with you Ever since you walked into my life All at once I feel so strong inside Anything you want for me, I'll do it faithfully Since you walked into my life, into my life I am learning that the touch of love is magic Feel it once and you will see your world so differently Nothing stays the way that it was Everything begins again, you're not who you've always been Ever since you walked into my life All at once I feel so strong inside Anything you want for me, I'll do it faithfully Since you walked into my life, into my life Ever since you came into my life I wanna be with you, girl Since you walked into Since you walked into my life Girl, nothing's ever felt Nothing's ever felt so right Baby, I wanna be with you Since you walked into Since you walked into my life I wanna be with you Since you walked into Since you walked into my life Girl, nothing's ever felt Nothing's ever felt so right Baby, I wanna be with you Since you walked into Since you walked into my life I wanna be with you Since you walked into Since you walked into my life Girl, nothing's ever felt Nothing's ever felt so right Baby, I wanna be with you Since you walked into Since you walked into my life I wanna be with you
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Listen up everybody if you wanna take a chance just get on the floor and do the new kid dance Don't worry bout nothing cause it won't take long we're gonna put you in a trance with a funky song Hangin tough hangin tough hangin tough we're rough Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Everybody's always talkin bout who's on top don't cross our path cause you're gonna get stomped We ain't gonna give anybody any slack and if you try to keep us down we're gonna come right back And you know we're Hangin tough hangin tough hangin tough are you tough enough Hangin tough hangin tough hangin tough we're rough Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Get loose everybody cause we're gonna do our thing cause you know it ain't over till the fat lady sings Hangin tough hangin tough hangin tough are you tough enough Hangin tough hangin tough hangin tough we're rough Oh oh oh oh oh just hangin tough oh oh oh oh oh hangin tough Oh oh oh oh oh just hangin tough oh oh oh oh oh hangin tough Oh oh oh oh oh just hangin tough oh oh oh oh oh hangin tough
Baby I believe in you And every little thing you do
Every time we kiss It always feels like this I believe in you Baby I believe in us And every little inch of our trust Whether I'm around you never let me down I believe in you
Maybe I might sound crazy For the way I feel about you But baby you're just so amazing And I'm so in love girl with you I believe in you
Maybe I might sound crazy For the way I feel about you But baby you're just so amazing And I'm so in love girl with you Baby I believe in you
There is something about you Baby I believe in us And every little inch of our trust Whether I'm around you never let me down I believe in you
Maybe I might sound crazy For the way I feel about you But baby you're just so amazing And I'm so in love girl with you I believe in you I believe in you
I believe in you I believe in you I believe in you I believe in you I believe in you
Call it what you want But I call it love Fits like a glove don't shove Back and forth and forth and back Get into the track Feel the groove and move back into position Cuz I'm coming straight for your heart Feel the vibe and then start Cuz I want you and I know that you want me So let's get busy!
When I heard this crazy stuff about this other guy I didn't believe it Had to see it with my eyes When I saw you and him, you passed me by He's not your friend, he's the other guy
Whether it's wrong or whether it's right Won't take me through the night Told me that you loved me so And you'd never let me go You played the game you're not the same I never thought you'd ever change If it's got to be this way I'm never gonna fall in love
Chorus: Never gonna fall in live again Never gonna fall in live again Never gonna fall in live again Never gonna fall in live Never gonna fall in live again Never gonna fall in live again Never gonna fall in live again Never gonna fall in live
I'm never gonna fall 'cause I fell Lovin' you for me was like hell How could you play me Like a champ, a tramp, a cramp Girl you did me worse than a food stamp You told me I could trust ya If I didn't I would crush ya But never thought that one day I'd bust you Walking in the sand, hand in hand with Another man, I know your game plan And now I understand Love so deep is like sleep And it will leave you blind But I see how your living So baby next time Watcha gonna do now that the tables are turned around I'm livin' swell and now you wanna be down Step off 'cause baby I've learned If you're messin' with fire you're gonna get burned You still look dope but a dope I'm not I can't get with you 'cause you're too hot
Girl, I feel all I need is only you And I know in your heart You feel this way too Boy, your love is everything I’ve ever known And I know with your love I can't go wrong Let me give you this love Oh boy, and I’ll give you my trust I need you, I want you I love you my dear
You're my angel of love Oh, boy yes you are You're my angel of love Oooh ~ You're my angel, my angel of love
Girl, I feel all I need is only you And I know in your heart You feel this way too Oh, boy your love's captured me Right from the start Under star you became a part of my heart Let me give you this love Oooh~ yes, and I’ll give you my trust I need you, I want you I love you my dear
You're my angel of love Oh, boy yes you are You're my angel of love Oooh~ You're my angel, my angel of love You, I love you (baby) You~ oooh~ You're my angel girl (you're my angel) (you~ ooooh~) you~ are~ You're my angel of love
Don't you ever wish you were someone else, 넌 혹시 너가 다른 사람이였기를 바란적이 있니 you were meant to be the way you are exactly 하지만 넌 지금 네 모습 그대로 운명지어졌는걸 Don't you ever say you don't like the way you are 넌 혹시 지금 네 모습이 맘에 들지않는다고 생각한적은없었니
When you learn to love yourself, you'd better off by far 너 자신을 사랑하는 법을 배운다면 훨씬 인생이 행복할텐데 And I hope you always stay the same 난 네가 언제나 지금 그대로이길 바래 cuz there's nothin' 'bout you I would change 왜냐면 너에게 있어서 변해야 할 건 없으니까
I think that you could be whatever you wanted to be 난 네가 원하는 뭐든 될 수 있으리라고 생각해 If you could realize all the dreams you have inside 네가 맘 속에 품어온 모든꿈들을 발견해내기만한다면말야.. Don't be afraid if you've got something to say 뭔가 하고 싶은 말이 있다면 두려워 말고 Just open up your heart and let it show you the way 맘을 활짝 열고 그것들을 표현해봐...
Believe in yourself 스스로를 신뢰하고 Reach down inside 가슴깊이 느껴봐 The love you find will set you free 자신에 대한 사랑이 널 자유롭게 할테니 Believe in yourself 너 자신을 믿으면 You will come alive 진정한 네가 되는거고... Have faith in what you do 하는일에 믿음을 가진다면 모든걸 이겨낼 수 있을거야 You'll make it through 넌 다 잘 해낼테니까
Don’t you ever wish You were someone else You were meant to be The way you are exactly Don’t you ever say You don’t like the way you are When you learn to love yourself You’re better off by far And I hope you always stay the same Cause there’s nothing about you I would change I think that you could be Whatever you wanted to be If you could realize All the dreams you have inside Don’t be afraid If you’ve got something to say Just open up your heart and let it show you the way Don’t you ever wish You were someone else You were meant to be The way you are exactly Don’t you ever say You don’t like the way you are When you learn to love yourself You’re better off by far And I hope you always stay the same Cause there’s nothing about you I would change Believe in yourself Reach down inside The love you find will set you free Believe in yourself You will come alive Have faith in what you do You’ll make it through Whoa~ Hey! Don’t you ever wish you were someone else You were meant to be The way you are exactly Don’t you ever say You don’t like the way you are When you learn to love yourself You’re better off by far And I hope you always stay the same Cause there’s nothing about you I would change No there’s nothing about you I would change Don’t Change
This is a very serious message so all of you please listen
There are some people living in this world They have no food to eat They have no place to go But we all are God's children We've got to learn to love one another Just remember they could be us Remember we all are brothers I'm not trying to darken up your day But help others in need And show them there's a better way This one's for the children The children of the world This one's for the children May God keep them in His throne Many people are happy And many people are sad Some people have many things That others can only wish they had So for the sake of the children Show them love's the only way to go Cause they are tomorrow and people they've got to know I'm not trying to darken up your day But help others in need And show them there's a better way This one's for the children The children of the world This one's for the children May God keep them in His throne This one's for the children The children of the world This one's for the children May God keep them in His throne This one's for the children This one's for the children This one's for the children This one's for the children This one's for the children This one's for the children This one's for the children
Did you ever really start to cry over something you just wrote? Well I'm writing you, my dear St. Nick, it's the saddest little note. Is it fair come this Christmas Eve that I should be alone, when she knows how much I'm missing her, would you kindly bring herhome? This boy's letter to Santa Claus it's gonna tear him up, when he reads how much
I'm missing her it's gonna tear him up. I'm sure if all his reindeers could arrange room on his sleigh then I'd receive a big bright package and she'd be mine today. I'll be missing you come Christmas, wishing hard, my dear, missing you come Christmas, wishing you were here. Did you ever really start to cry over something that was said? Well, I'm writing you, dear Santa, it's the saddest thing you ever read. Is it fair come this Christmas time that I should be without you, you know how much I miss you, girl, won't you kindly help me through? This boy's letter to Santa Claus it's gonna tear him up, when he reads how much
I'm missing her it's gonna tear him up. I'm sure he'll write a special note to remind him Christmas Eve that he has to mend a broken heart that believes in make believe. Right above his VIP we'll be ranking number one, no sadder request will he receive he'll know it has to be done. Hey, Santa, if you're my friend, please take heed, it's not pretend. This boy's letter.... I'm sure if all .... Oh, Santa, I'll be missing you come Christmas, wishing hard, my dear, missing you come Christmas, wishing you were here
I still believe in santa claus, maybe that's just because I'm still a child at heart, And I still believe in old st. nick, but then again maybe that's the trick we need, we need to retreat from a world of make believe. Let’s make this christmas last forever, shine a little love along the way For the sake of all children let love show us the way. I still believe in santa claus, maybe that's just because I'm still a child at heart, And I still believe in old st. nick, but then again maybe that's the trick we need, we need to retreat from a world of make believe. This time of year is for the giving, this time of year is for the joy. May joy and happiness be with you always this day. I still believe in santa claus, maybe that's just because I'm still a child at heart, And I still believe in old st. nick, but then again maybe that's the trick we need, we need to retreat from a world of make believe. from a world of make believe...