Disc 1 | ||||||
1. |
| 4:24 | ||||
Life, shades of blue,
Love was bittersweet till I found you, Time, after time, Feelings disappear... Then, when we met, Life was like a joke I didn't get, But when you're holding me, You make me understand, What this heart is for... Now we've nothing but the radio on, We are dancing to a new emotion, We've got nothing but the radio on, We're making love in slow motion... Ooh, one night like this, Can melt away the lonely emptiness, Each perfect kiss, Answers every wish I wish... There in your eyes, I can see the years of tears I've cried, And though the waiting game, Is all I ever play, It's time to let love in... Now we've nothing but the radio on, We are dancing to a new emotion, We've got nothing but the radio on, We're making love in slow motion... Hey girl, oh... When nothing is right, We can't go wrong, And so tonight, They're playing our song, We're kiss to kiss, And heart to heart, And the music never stops, Once the love starts... We've got nothing but the radio on... Hey baby, Nothing but the radio on, Ooh... Love in slow motion, Ooh... Nothing but the radio on, We are dancing to a new emotion, Hey baby, nothing but the radio on, Making love in slow motion, We've got... Nothing but the radio on, Don't you know we've got, Nothing but the radio on... (fade) |
2. |
| 5:30 | ||||
3. |
| 4:56 | ||||
4. |
| 5:40 | ||||
5. |
| 5:21 | ||||
6. |
| 6:25 | ||||
7. |
| 4:32 | ||||
Life, shades of blue,
Love was bittersweet till I found you, Time, after time, Feelings disappear... Then, when we met, Life was like a joke I didn't get, But when you're holding me, You make me understand, What this heart is for... Now we've nothing but the radio on, We are dancing to a new emotion, We've got nothing but the radio on, We're making love in slow motion... Ooh, one night like this, Can melt away the lonely emptiness, Each perfect kiss, Answers every wish I wish... There in your eyes, I can see the years of tears I've cried, And though the waiting game, Is all I ever play, It's time to let love in... Now we've nothing but the radio on, We are dancing to a new emotion, We've got nothing but the radio on, We're making love in slow motion... Hey girl, oh... When nothing is right, We can't go wrong, And so tonight, They're playing our song, We're kiss to kiss, And heart to heart, And the music never stops, Once the love starts... We've got nothing but the radio on... Hey baby, Nothing but the radio on, Ooh... Love in slow motion, Ooh... Nothing but the radio on, We are dancing to a new emotion, Hey baby, nothing but the radio on, Making love in slow motion, We've got... Nothing but the radio on, Don't you know we've got, Nothing but the radio on... (fade) |
8. |
| 3:44 | ||||
9. |
| 3:26 | ||||
You, standing there, unaware
I look at you And I understand That I am such A lucky man You, slowly turn, Slowly smile And it hits me so hard, Once again I am such A lucky man Sometimes it's all so clear There's a reason you Are here with me Life has its ups and downs But I'll get through If I can stay with you Forever I look in your eyes And I understand I am such A lucky man There's a reason you Are here with me I know I'll get through If I can stay with you Forever I know I don't tell you Enough But it's the way that I feel I look at you And I understand That I am such A lucky man Who could have planned That I would be such A lucky man... |
10. |
| 5:50 | ||||
11. |
| 4:28 | ||||
12. |
| 5:01 | ||||
아침이 올때까지 울었던밤도 아사가 구루마데 나키츠즈케타 요루모] 步き出せる力にきっとできる 걸음을내딜수있는힘이꼭생길꺼야 [아루키 다세루치 카라니 키잇토 데키루] 太陽は登り心を包むでしょう 태양은떠올라 마음을 감싸주겠지 [타이요우와 노보리 코코로 오츠츠무데쇼우] やがて闇は必ず明けてゆくから 이윽고어움은반드시밝아올테니깐 [야가테 야미와카 나라즈 아케테 유쿠카라] どうして もっと 自分に素直に生きれないの 어째서 더 자신에게솔직하게살아갈수없는거니 [도우시테 모우토 지분니 스나오니 이키레나이노] そんな思い問い掛けながら 그런 생각을 물으면서 [손나 오모이 토이카케나가라] 諦めないで 全てが 崩れそうになっても 포기하지마. 모든건이 무너질것같게되도 [아키라 메나이데 즈베테가 쿠즈레소우니나앗테모] 信じていてあなたの事を 믿고있어 너에대한것을 [신지 테이테 아나타노 코토오] ほんとうは誰もが願いを かなえたいの 정말은 누구나가 소원을 이루고싶어하지 [혼토와 다레모가 네가이오 카나에타이노] だけど上手く ゆかない時もあるわ 하지만 잘 되지않을때도 있어 [다케도 우마쿠 유카나이 도키모 아루와] 希望のかけらを手の平に集めて 희망의 조각을 손바닥에모아서 [키보우노 카케라오 데노히라니 아츠메테] 大きな喜びへと變えてゆこう 큰 기쁨으로 바꿔가자 [오오키나 요로코비에토 카에테 유코우] 愛する人や友達が勇氣づけてくれるよ 사랑하는 사랑과 친구가 용기를 북돋아줄꺼야 [아이스루 히토야 토모다치가 유우키즈케테 쿠레루요] そんな言葉抱きしめながら 그런 말 감싸안으면서 [손나 코토바 다키시메나가라] だけど最後の答えは1人で 見つけるのね 하지만 최후의 답은 혼자서 발견하는거지 [다케도 사이고노 코타에와 히토리데 미츠케루노네] めぐり續く明日のために 계속해서찾아오는내일을위해 [메구리 츠즈쿠 아시타노 타메니] 雨に負けない氣持ちを 비에 지지않을 기분을 [아메니 마케나이 키모치오] 炎もくぐり拔けるそんな强さ 持ちつづけたい 불꽃도밑으로니나갈수있는 그런강함을 계속 갖고싶어 [호노오 모쿠구리 누케루 손나 츠요사 모치츠즈케타이] それでもいつか全てが 崩れそうになっても 그래도 언젠가 모든것이 무너질것같게되도 [소레데모 이츠카 스베테가 쿠즈레소우니나앗테모] 信じていてあなたの事を 믿고있어 너에 대한것을 [신지 테이테 아나타노 코토오] 信じていて欲しいあなたの事を 믿어줬음해 너에 대한것을 [신지테 이테호시이 아나타노 코토오] |
13. |
| 4:57 | ||||