2024년 <HURR!CANE FLAME>, <SUPER! SOUND! SYSTEM!>, <QUANTUM SYNERGY> 등의 다양한 앨범을 발매한 SWAY D가 올해 대장정을 마무리함과 동시에 새로운 시작을 기념하는 <SWAY D - SPIRITS (DRAGON DELUXE)>를 발매한다.
이번 앨범 <SWAY D - SPIRITS (DRAGON DELUXE)>는 총 26곡으로 구성되었으며
다양한 장르의 사운드가 하이브리드하게 융화되는 4개의 신곡과 <HURR!CANE FLAME>, <QUANTUM SYNERGY>의 Instrumental 버젼이 보너스 트랙으로 수록된다.
The Quiett이 피쳐링으로 참여, moog 신디사이져를 운용해 더 깊이있는 SOUND를 완성시킬수 있게 도와준 joyohan 그리고 신곡 프로듀싱에 EVN과 SUVV가 참여 하였으며 EVN과 SUVV의 프로듀서로서 커리어 첫 시작을 알리는 앨범이기도 하다.
<SWAY D - SPIRITS (DRAGON DELUXE)> 수록곡들은 다양한 장르와 사운드를 넘나들며 폭발적이고 신선한 에너지와 바이브를 방출한다. <SPIRITS> 세계관을 SOUND적으로 표현함과 동시에 마치 한편의 영화 OST 같은 역할을 하며 앨범이 가진 다양한 SOUND들이 만들어내는 기승전결은 웅장하고 방대한 <SPIRITS> 세계관에 더욱 더 몰입 할 수 있도록 만든다.
이번 앨범은 새롭게 전개되는 SWAY D의 세계관 <SPIRITS>의 본격적인 출발을 알림과 동시에 더 진화된 SWAY D의 과감하고 신선한 새로운 사운드의 시작이기도 하다.
SWAY D는 올해 발매된 앨범들과 함께 다양한 형태의 아트워크도 공개하였다. 공개된 아트워크들은 SWAY D가 새롭게 전개하는 <SPIRITS> 라는 세계관 속 다양한 캐릭터들과 세계관을 상징하는 이미지들이다.
SWAY D는 올해 8월 <IWAB - INCHEON INTERNATIONAL ART SHOW>에서의 아트워크들을 전시하며 작가로서의 새로운 커리어를 시작했다.
<SWAY D - SPIRITS (DRAGON DELUXE)>의 앨범 커버 이미지는 <SPIRITS>의 시작을 알리는 메인 아트이며, 2024년 11월 20일 '인천 송도 컨벤시아'에서 열리는 <INAS - INCHEON ASIA ART SHOW>, 2024년 12월 6일 '서울 엠버서더 풀만 호텔' 에서 진행하는 <2024 블랑블루 아트페어(Blanc Bleu Art Fair)>에서 다양한 SWAY D의 작품들과 함께 공개될 예정이다.
다양한 장르와 새롭고 신선한 사운드로 가득 찬 SWAY D의 새 앨범 <SPIRITS (DRAGON DELUXE)>를 우리 함께 신나게 즐겨보자.
그리고 더욱 더 진화한 SWAY D의 새로운 상상력과 이야기들을 기대해보자!!!
After releasing several albums in 2024, including HURR!CANE FLAME, SUPER! SOUND! SYSTEM!, and QUANTUM SYNERGY, SWAY D is wrapping up the year with a new album, SWAY D - SPIRITS (DRAGON DELUXE), to celebrate both the conclusion of his journey and the beginning of a new chapter.
This deluxe edition consists of 26 tracks, featuring four brand-new songs that hybridize various genres, as well as instrumental versions of HURR!CANE FLAME and QUANTUM SYNERGY as bonus tracks. The Quiett participates as a featured artist, while Joyohan contributes by using a Moog synthesizer to help complete a deeper sound. EVN and SUVV also took part in producing the new tracks, marking the beginning of their careers as producers with this album.
The tracks in SWAY D - SPIRITS (DRAGON DELUXE) cross various genres and sounds, unleashing explosive and refreshing energy and vibes. The album expresses the SPIRITS universe sonically, acting almost like a film OST. The dynamic structure of the album's soundscape allows listeners to become fully immersed in the vast and grand SPIRITS universe. This album not only marks the official launch of SWAY D's evolving SPIRITS universe but also signals the start of his bold and innovative new sound.
Along with the album releases, SWAY D has also unveiled a series of artworks. These pieces represent key characters and symbols from the SPIRITS universe that SWAY D is newly developing.
In August, SWAY D embarked on a new career as an artist, showcasing these artworks at the IWAB - Incheon International Art Show.
The cover art for SWAY D - SPIRITS (DRAGON DELUXE) serves as the main visual that signals the beginning of SPIRITS. More of SWAY D's works will be revealed at the INAS - Incheon Asia Art Show on November 20, 2024, held at Incheon Songdo Convensia, and at the Blanc Bleu Art Fair on December 6, 2024, at Seoul's Ambassador Pullman Hotel.
Let's all enjoy SWAY D's new album SPIRITS (DRAGON DELUXE), packed with diverse and refreshing sounds. And let's look forward to the further evolution of SWAY D's imagination and stories!
< DISC 1 >
01. WAKEUP!!!
Produced by Sway D
Lyrics by Sway D
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
Produced by Sway D
Lyrics by Sway D
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
03. FLAME!!!
Produced by Sway D
Lyrics by Sway D
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
Produced by Sway D
Lyrics by Sway D
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
Produced by Sway D
Lyrics by Sway D
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
Produced by Sway D
Lyrics by Sway D
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
07. SPINUP!!!
Produced by Sway D
Lyrics by Sway D
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
Produced by Sway D
Lyrics by Sway D
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
09. QUANTUM SYNERGY (Feat. The Quiett)
Produced by Sway D
Lyrics by Sway D, The Quiett
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
10. GO!!! (with joyohan)
Produced by Sway D, joyohan
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D, joyohan
11. DRAGON SPIRIT (with joyohan)
Produced by Sway D, joyohan
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D, joyohan
Produced by Sway D
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
Produced by Sway D
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
14. GREEN TOWN (with EVN)
Produced by Sway D, EVN
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D, EVN
15. GMT (with EVN)
Produced by Sway D, EVN
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D, EVN
16. SHADOW KING (with EVN)
Produced by Sway D, EVN
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D, EVN
17. ASH (with SSVV, EVN)
Produced by Sway D, SSVV, EVN
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D, SSVV, EVN
< DISC 2 >
18. WAKEUP!!! (instrumental)
Produced by Sway D
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
19. KING ICE (instrumental)
Produced by Sway D
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
20. FLAME!!! (instrumental)
Produced by Sway D
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
21. COOL LIFE (instrumental)
Produced by Sway D
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
22. AMBITION (instrumental)
Produced by Sway D
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
23. NIGHT RIDER (instrumental)
Produced by Sway D
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
24. SPINUP!!! (instrumental)
Produced by Sway D
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
25. CALL ME (instrumental)
Produced by Sway D
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
26. QUANTUM SYNERGY (instrumental)
Produced by Sway D
Compoesd & Arranged by Sway D
Mixed by Sway D
Mastered by Sway D
Cover Art Design by Sway D
- Rolling Cash - ....