윤도현 - 최강럭비: 죽거나 승리하거나 OST from the Netflix Series (2024) by 윤도현 (보컬) on maniadb.com

최강럭비: 죽거나 승리하거나 OST from the Netflix Series
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RELEASE DATE: 2024-12-10
ALBUM TYPE: 정규, studio



DIGITAL ALBUM :: 2024-12-10 :: Netflix Music, FUGA
[Disc 1]
1. End and End - YB / 2. Ordinary Hero - YB / 3. Ordinary Hero (AC Version) - YB / 4. Undefeated King - 허준 / 5. Number One - 양진현 / 6. All Kill - Stephen Choi / 7. Destroyer Tank - Jane / 8. Underdog's Uprising - 양진현 / 9. Relentless Eagle - Lim Jungyun / 10. Victory or Death - Lim Jungyun / 11. Metal Fury / 12. Stormbringer / 13. Warriors Charge / 14. Unbreakable Grit / 15. Thunderstrike / 16. Dominion / 17. War Cry


1. <끝과끝 (End And End)> YB

Lyrics 윤도현, Scott Hellowell
Compose 윤도현
Arrange 윤도현, 허준, YB
Vocal 윤도현, Scott Hellowell
Guitars 허준, Scott Hellowell, 윤도현
Bass 박태희
Drum 김진원
Synthesizer 윤도현, 허준
Record 오해석 [몰 스튜디오]
김진평 [톤 스튜디오]
Tune 양하정 [톤 스튜디오]
Mix & Master Chris coiller [CMC21 Production]

2. <Ordinary Hero> YB

Lyrics 윤도현, Scott Hellowell
Compose 윤도현
Arrange 윤도현, 허준, YB, 최태섭, 이강토, 최준용
Vocal 윤도현
Guitars 허준, Scott Hellowell, 윤도현
Bass 박태희
Drum 김진원
Synthesizer 윤도현, 허준
Record 오해석 [몰 스튜디오]
정모연 [바이브 뮤직 스튜디오 606]
Tune 양하정 [톤 스튜디오]
Mix & Master Chris coiller [CMC21 Production]

3. <Ordinary Hero AC> YB

Lyrics 윤도현, Scott Hellowell
Compose 윤도현
Arrange 윤도현, 허준
Vocal 윤도현
Guitar 허준
Record 정모연 [바이브 뮤직 스튜디오 606]
Mix & Master 허준

4. <Undefeated King> 허준

Compose 윤도현, 허준
Arrange 허준
All Instrument 허준
Mix & Master 허준

5. <Number One> 양진현

Compose 윤도현, 양진현, 최태섭
Arrange 최태섭
Guitar & All Instrument 양진현
Mix & Master 최준용, 최태섭

6. <All Kill> 최태섭

Compose 윤도현, 최태섭, 정마토
Guitar 정마토, 김태진
Bass 최태섭
Drum 여현준
Mix & Master 최준용, 최태섭

7. <Destroyer Tank> 양재인

Compose 윤도현, 양재인, 최태섭
Arrange 최태섭
Guitar 양재인
Bass 최태섭
Drum 소른
Mix & Master 최준용

8. <Underdog's Uprising> 양진현

Compose 윤도현, 양진현, 최태섭
Arrange 최태섭
Guitar & All Instrument 양진현
Mix & Master 최준용, 최태섭

9. <Relentless Eagle> 임정현

Compose 윤도현, 임정현, 최태섭
Arrange 최태섭
Guitar & All Instrument 임정현
Drum 소른
Mix & Master 최준용, 최태섭

10. <Victory or Death> 임정현

Compose 윤도현, 임정현, 최태섭
Arrange 최태섭
Guitar & All Instrument 임정현
Drum 소른
Mix & Master 최준용, 최태섭

11. <Metal Fury> 윤도현

Original by YB(88 Losing Game)
Compose 윤도현
Arrange 허준
Guitar 정마토, 허준
Bass 박태희
Drum 김진원
Mix & Master 최준용

12. <Stormbringer> 윤도현

Original by YB(죽든지 말든지)
Compose 윤도현
Arrange 허준, 최태섭
Guitar 정마토
Bass 최태섭
Drum 여현준
Mix & Master 최준용

13. <Warriors Charge> 윤도현

Original by YB(Find us)
Compose 윤도현
Arrange 허준, 최태섭
Guitar 정마토
Bass 최태섭
Drum 여현준
Mix & Master 최준용

14. <Unbreakable Grit> 윤도현

Original by YB(Invincible)
Compose 윤도현
Arrange 허준
Guitar 정마토, 허준
Bass 최태섭
Drum 여현준
Mix & Master 최태섭

15. <Thunderstrike> 윤도현

Original by YB(Talk to me)
Compose 윤도현
Arrange 허준, 최태섭
Guitar 정마토
Bass 최태섭
Drum 여현준
Mix & Master 최태섭

16. <Dominion> 윤도현

Original by YB(It Burns)
Compose 윤도현
Arrange 허준, 최태섭
Guitar 정마토
Bass 최태섭
Drum 여현준
Mix & Master 최태섭

17. <War Cry> 윤도현

Original by YB(하루살이)
Compose 윤도현
Arrange 허준, 최태섭
Guitar 정마토
Bass 최태섭
Drum 여현준
Mix & Master 최태섭

Music Director 윤도현
Supervisor 이원광
A&R Studio C1(최태규, 이규민)
Music Team 손병수, 이교현, 정태모, MadBugs(심홍희, 최광호, 박신우)
Management Dee Company(김정일, 윤규현, 이세웅, 이연주, 이수지, 노경주, 이지원)
Production Director 김종훈
OST Production EUM Culture

Trackback :: http://www.maniadb.com/trackback/A1060652


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