Kimhanjin 시리즈의 한 부분을 담당하고 있는 mushroom입니다. 여러 가지 상상 속에서 만든 곡입니다
느끼시는 대로 즐겨주시면 좋을 거 같아요 일요일 밤부터 월요일 새벽 같기도 하네요
I'm in charge of a part of the Kimhanjin series, called "mushroom." This piece is created from various imaginative scenarios, blending different emotions and atmospheres. I hope you enjoy it and feel it in your own way.
Composed by kimhanjin
Arranged by kimhanjin
All instruments by kimhanjin
Mixed by kimhanjin
Mastered by Kbchan
Album Cover by Kim Hyeeun, Kim Hanjin
distributed by The Vault .... ....