힘든 시기를 견디고 계신 모든 분들이 가족과 곁에 계신 분들의 사랑을 되새기며 원하는 목표로 계속 나아가시길 응원합니다.
제가 그렇듯 이곡 ”LIFE”를 들으시며 고통과 상처가 조금이나마 치유되시길 바라고 위로와 공감을 전합니다. 감사합니다.
I started write this song ”LIFE “ when i was suffering from depression in a deep
and dark abyss, but I was able to finish this song with
the love and faith from my children and wife. I hope everyone who are living
in a hard life, please just remember there are people who always support you
and stand by you. I believe in you to overcome any difficulties in life. So
never give up and think people always and trust yourself. I dedicated
this song for those who are going throgh hard time in ”LIFE “.
Hope you guys find little bit of comfort by listening this song. Nothing
but wishing all the best luck to you guys. Thank you. ....