Voila! Viola
비올리스트이자 작곡가인 김예진 (Celine Kim)은 2007년생으로 뉴욕시의 맨하튼 음대 예비학교와 유엔국제학교에 재학중이다. 비올라 경연대회로는 2022년에 American Protégé 콩쿠르 1위 입상으로 카네기홀에서 연주했고, 런던 Young Music 콩쿠르 금상, 및 베토벤 국제 콩쿠르 2위를 수상하였고, 2023년 여름에는 Meadowmount 여름 음악 캠프에 참가하였다. 작곡으로는 런던 Young Music 콩쿠르 금상, Global Genius 음악 콩쿠르 금상, 및 미 애틀랜타 개최 국제 청소년 음악 콩쿠르에서 1위를 수상하였다.
Violist and composer Celine Kim was born in 2007 and studies at UN International School and Manhattan School of Music PreCollege. She was awarded first prize at American Protégé International Music Competition in 2022 and was invited to perform at Carnegie Hall. She also won Gold Prize at London Young Musician International Competition and second prize at Beethoven International Music Competition as a violist. As a composer, she was awarded Gold Prize at London Young Musician International Competition, Global Genius International Music Competition and International Youth Music Competition in Atlanta, GA. USA.
* Track 04
Trapped in a Time Machine
By: Celine Kim, 2022
Mankind has fought each other for thousands of years,
Peace was unusual and strife was the norm,
Uncessant battles, raids, and conquests were everywhere,
Orphans, widows, slavery, scare food and limited shelter,
Amongst the battle of the lords, the innocent peasants suffering,
During the busiest month of the year, the farmers with swords, dying,
Today, during the prime time of one’s life, young men with guns are dying,
I have seen the world in perpetual peace for my life of fifteen years,
But due to the decision of one lord, the innocent civilians are suffering,
Memoirs of ancient war permanently sealed as silent memory bites was the norm,
Again, orphans, widows, refugees, scare provisions and destroyed shelter,
Bombings, air raids, and gunshots are everywhere,
Cries, destroyed buildings, dust and blood soaked bodies are everywhere,
Those chosen to stay and defend their own land, dying,
With no place to hide, no place to take shelter,
Shocking developments daily, taking mankind backwards a hundred years,
The unthinkable happening in 2022, peace is no longer the norm,
One lord defends, yet one lord continues crushing, despite cries of suffering,
The whole world watches and contributes to end the suffering,
But the anguish, destruction and death is everywhere,
Weapons and supplies, fundraisings and donations are now the norm,
But the men, women and children are still dying,
Those that were meant to have many more blissful days and years,
Shot in action, crushed in their own land and shelter,
The rest of the world watches on a screen from their secure and comfortable shelter,
Sending supplies and medical aid will not end the suffering,
This barbaric, resurrected mankind’s atrocity will continue for years,
And may easily bite into other countries, spreading everywhere,
Not just the neighbors, but more nations will be dying,
Peace will be unusual, strife will be the norm,
We can be the makers of standards and the future norm,
We should protect our own home and shelter,
We will be the ones dying,
We will be next –all the chaos, torture and suffering,
There will be no safe place, with gun shots and bombings everywhere,
This will be everyone’s future in the coming years
Turning a blind eye may be your norm,
but do not forget the suffering
people, who are dying.
* Track 05
Four Seasons 2050 - Chaconne for Strings
by Celine Kim, in 2021
Dear Human Hand,
The wrath of the unrelenting sun descends upon us with scorching flame,
Another child collapses as exploding sand dusts cover the remains with each step we take,
Heavy heat haze muffles the silent cries, moaning for the now invisible grand lake,
Being alive or being dead, equally a curse, and unsure who to blame.
How abundance has diminished into nothingness,
How we remain in the land of our ancestors, yet everything seems foreign whatsoever.
How the earth beneath us has moved, taking away all the lush greenery and richness,
How the vividly colorful Garden of Eden has turned lifeless and grey forever.
As the last matriarch, the sole witness to a once lush and thriving planet Earth,
Leading the final survivors for weeks towards our destination of hope.
Continuing on our barren Mobius strip, with hopes for seeds soon to unearth,
Seeking our last remaining utopia so that one more day we may cope.
Tusks digging deep, tusks digging shallow, squeezing out our last remaining strengths,
Yet cursed with the Midas' hand which turns everything into sand,
Our hope was but a mirage and futile were all our final efforts to travel at great lengths,
Today we mark the end of our tribe, an end caused by the human hand.
There were so many alternative ways to enjoy the Earth.
And yet -- you had to bite the enticing forbidden fruit.
I may be suffering and my lineage may end today.
But tomorrow, it will be yours..
* Track 06
Songs of the Sea
by Celine Kim, in 2022
Can you hear
The songs of the whales
Their songs are repeated, taught and learned and passed on
To other clans and generations
I have not composed this song
The whale did…
I have transcribed their songs
So you all can hear
The whale's voice
The whale's message
The whales need to sing their songs
To communicate hundreds of miles
To reproduce, to find food, to survive
But the seas are filled with
Human made noises
Drillings, radars, tankers,
Fishing boats, warships,
Whales will naturally turn away
From those sounds
Leaving their natural feeding areas
Turning away from abundant food sources
Whales and their young may not survive
Will cause the whales to move away
Baby whales
May not survive
The long detour
And perish
The mother whale laments
She cries for her young
She calls for her young in agony
In the eternal silence
The songs of the sea
Sinks into its grave of unfathomable darkness .... ....